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你还是为你的口语自卑吗?You are still unconfident with your speaking?

而且,我也认为害羞意味着不自信。Moreover, I think being shy means unconfident.

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我讨厌被人拒绝.那会使我不自信.I hate being rejected. It will make me unconfident.

这件事情能不能办成,我心里一直没底。I have been unconfident in whether this matter can be accomplished.

大多数人,不同程度地会在社交活动中感到不好意思,没有自信。Most of people will feel bashful and unconfident in the social activities.

我现在是不自信,缺少别人的认可,永远看不到希望。I am always unconfident , and lack other's affirm, and can't see the future.

我对我自己没有信心。连你的想法都没法了解。I am unconfident about myself, because I am unable to understand your thought.

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在陌生人面前你觉得胆怯,对自己的英语没有自信。You feel shy and unconfident about your English in the presence of strangers. Why?

总之,2007年是我过的真的比较累、很没自信的一年,希望2008年一定要有好的转变。In a word, I felt tired and unconfident in 2007, I wish it would be a good chang in 2008.

其次,你需求常常关注本人的内心,在在什么时候他感到缺乏决心,是什么招致如此的?Secondly, you need to observe your inner to see when do you feel unconfident and what makes it.

当我的决定的不到他的支持时,我总是对我的选择很不确定或不自信。Whenever he doesn't support me, I just feel so uncertain and unconfident about the my decision.

当我们在成长期总认为没有人真正喜欢我们,慢慢长大变成害羞又没自信的人了。When we grow up thinking no one really likes us, we turn into chronically shy, unconfident adults.

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到底谁有资格的问题确实颇有争议,但中国多少显得底气不足。Who on earth is more eligible is indeed quite a dispute. But China is more or less unconfident enough.

主体性的遭遇反射出人们对于自身把握未来的不确定、不自信的心理。The encounter of subjectivity reflects people's indefinite and unconfident mentality to grasp the future.

菁妹的表现达不到她母亲的期望,所以她变得越来越没自信。Jing-mei's performance doesn't come up with her mother's expectations, so she becomes more and more unconfident.

对于一个缺乏自信又希望有自信心的人来说,让他相信自己可以和别人一样自信是件很难的事。When an unconfident person struggles with confidence , it's extremely hard to believe he can confident as others.

学生在课堂上沉默不语,很多时候是因为语言能力的欠缺,对自己信心不足。In many situations students remain silent in classroom because of their lack of language ability which makes them feel unconfident.

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调查显示,中国男人诚实、勤奋、聪明,但缺少风度,自信不足,不吸引人。The survey indicated that Chinese men are perceived to be modest, diligent and intelligent, but also inelegant, unconfident and unappealing.

然而,自信对于学习至关重要,因为一个不自信的人,无论多么聪明,都无法完成学习所要求的任务。However, self-confidence is important to learning because an unconfident person, no matter how intelligent, can not fulfill the task learning requires.

那天,我穿的是一件粉嫩的毛衣外套,下面是一条牛仔,身后背了一个黑色的大包,手里还提着一个褐色的小包。That day, I was wearing a pink cardigan with a hat and blue jeans. Carrying my black backpack and lifting a brown bag, the image of it made me feels unconfident.