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那些话是中伤之言。Words that are backbiting words.

你不要背后诽谤人。You should refrain your tongue from backbiting.

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乔尔因威廉在背后说他的坏话而要对他进行报复。Joe wanted to pay William off for backbiting him.

禁止背后诽谤和议论他人。Backbiting and gossip are prohibited and denounced.

你最好不要为他中伤你而对他提出诉讼。You'd better not to file a lawsuit for his backbiting.

研究结果表明,反应是通过“回咬”实现的。The results show that the reaction proceeds via backbiting.

这样的阴险和中伤朋友是否对得起自己的地位?Do women deserve their reputation for cattiness and backbiting?

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任何朋友都讨厌背后诽谤和指名道姓的批评。Any friends will be tired of the backbiting and fin-ger-pointing.

真主将会原谅成为毁谤、流言之牺牲者的人一半罪行。God forgives half the sins of one who falls victim to backbiting.

紧张不安加上坏心眼一般是背后议人是非的原因。Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.

神经过敏和承受力差是产生流言蜚语的常见原因。Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.

神经过敏和承担力差是生成流言蜚语的常见原因。Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.

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有时很难区分诽谤和恶意中伤。Sometimes it's difficult to draw a line between backbiting and malicious gossip.

北风生雨、谗谤人的舌头也生怒容。The north wind brings forth rain, And a backbiting tongue, an angry countenance.

除了不诚实的己里,免何诚实的我皆能获得蜂蜜,大家都这麽想。Except backbiting ones, anyone who is hobackup can get honey, anybody anticipates so.

员工的内部暗斗,及诽谤和类似事情,似乎成了习惯,而非例外。Staff infighting, backbiting and the like seem to be the rule rather than the exception.

在一片嘘声和诽谤声中,人们很容易忘记该届政府一开始曾经高效运作。Amid the boos and backbiting it is easy to forget that this government started in a notably effective way.

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无耻与勇若乌鸦者的生活是容易的,他两舌、虚伪、傲慢与腐败。Easy is life for the shameless one who is impudent as a crow, is backbiting and forward, arrogant and corrupt.

通常,毁谤的起因都是因为混乱的头脑和糟糕的领悟能力。Simply live so that nobody will believe them. Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.

其他人也试过复兴杰克逊的事业,但是由于管理混乱、阵营内斗以及杰克逊自己具有传奇色彩的怪癖,先前的尝试都失败了。Others have tried to resurrect Jackson's career but failed, associates say, because of managerial chaos, backbiting within his inner circle and the singer's legendary flakiness.