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路缘浅沟?。Curb ditch?

路缘进水口?。Curb inlet?

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向前开近路边石。Forward to the curb.

我按捺不住我的愤怒。I could not curb my anger.

从控制你的花销开始。To begin, curb your spending.

他把车停到路边。He pulls the car up to the curb.

白先生不压制积极性。Mr Bai does not curb initiative.

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我猛向右转撞上了路牙子。I swerved right and hit the curb.

约瑟夫大大咧咧地把车停靠在路边。Joseph idled the car at the curb.

巴士从路边离开了。The bus pulls away from the curb.

他在路缘把汽车急停下来。He brought up the car at the curb.

我站在人行道沿上想缓口气。I stood at the curb trying to breathe.

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离开人行道边石远一点。Get a little further away from the curb.

我在人行道与小径交接的地方踢着路面。I toed the spot where curb met pavement.

一些街区,路边是一溜的邮箱。In some streets, mailboxes line the curb.

一些街区,路边是一溜的邮箱。In some streets, mailboxes line the curb.

美国FDA计划出台措施,遏止滥用止咳药。FDA looks to curb abuse of cough medicine.

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分手后,他用推车把手椅子推到了路边。After the breakup, he carted it to the curb.

精心装饰的出殡汽车沿街排列著。Elaborate funeral cars stood along the curb.

教师于学生沿着人行道旁的边石排队。The teacher ranged his pupils along the curb.