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钟楼岩石。Belfry rock.

许多雕塑装饰着钟楼。The belfry abounds in ornamental carving.

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在露天钟楼的钟下面的那一层板。A floor under the bells of an open belfry.

不远处有座高高的钟楼。Not far from the place there is a tall belfry.

那是一座有百叶窗的钟楼和尖顶的教堂。It was a church with a shuttered belfry and spire.

市政厅,城市市场厅,和钟楼。Roeselare City Hall, City's Market Hall, and Belfry.

在我的钟楼和阁楼也有好几百只。I’ve got hundreds living in my belfry and in the attic.

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布朗先生领有闹市区塔里的棕色毛巾。Mr. Brown owns the amber anhydrates in the city belfry.

在我的钟楼和阁楼也有好几百只。There also had been hundreds of in my belfry and attic.

河上有古桥一座,在桥墩边设计钟楼一座。A belfry is to be built by the ancient bridge on the canal.

她说的话你一句也不能相信,因为她神经失常了。You can't believe a word she say because she is bats in the belfry.

钟楼是比利时哥德式建筑的一个显着特征,特别是在法兰德斯地区。The belfry is a prominent feature of belgian gothic architecture especially in flanders.

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许多只手向钟楼摇动,要那边的人停止鸣钟,圣水祭开始了。Hands are waved to the belfry for the ringing to cease and the blessing of the water begins.

许多只手向钟楼摇动,要那边的人停止鸣钟,圣水祭开始了。Hands are waved to the belfry for the ringing to cease, and the blessing of the water begins.

后来,过了半个钟头,可以看出钟楼上和人群里发生轻微的骚动。Then half an hour later a certain agitation is perceptible in the belfry and among the people.

加西莫多自从出生起,就被邪恶的主人浮罗洛一直囚禁在钟楼内。Jiaximoduo since be born case, by evil master float Luo Luo all the time captivity is inside belfry.

这小伙子总是谈及去火星旅行,他的邻居认为他的脑子一定有什么问题。The boy always talked about going to Mars, and his neighbours thought he must have had bats in his belfry.

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圣文森教堂的牧师站在钟楼里,想把鸟儿诱入拱窗。The pastor at St. Vincent's Cathedral stands in the belfry , tries to coax the birds into the arched window.

伽利略曾在这个失去平衡的倾斜的钟楼上做过具有划时代意义的自由落体实验。Galileo is said to have conducted his revolutionary experiments with falling objects from the off-kilter belfry.

课程由一系列令人瞩目的全球各地,包括种籽,在钟楼和湖跑步。Courses from a range of spectacular locations across the globe, including The Brabazon at The Belfry and Lake Nona.