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他是个骗子。He is a crook.

测试武器补充,谢帕兹骗子。Test weapon added, shepards crook.

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骗子寻寻无正轻信的玩家。Crook find no is credulous game player.

他有一根牧羊人用的带铁头的棍杖。He had shepherd's crook tipped with iron.

他弯着胳臂抱着那些书。He carried the books in the crook of his arm.

我尽一切所能让你根本看不出我是个骗子。I do my best to never, ever look like a crook.

海伦将她的脸埋在她手臂的弯处。Hellen buried her face in the crook of her arm.

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保罗·克鲁克与工友在农具厂Paul Crook with fellow workers at farm implements factory

于是,这就招致了一桩令人烦恼的“愚蠢的怪人”事件。And, of course, there is "dumb crook" issue to worry about.

尤其是大卫·柯鲁克先生,他的一生是奉献的一生。Mr.David Crook in particular,he spent a life of dedication.

不要担心,我就是砸锅卖铁,也要给你筹到学费。Don't worry, I will get you the education fee by hook or crook.

唐纳森有一系列小的犯罪前科,但没犯过大事。Donaldson was a petty crook with a string of previous offences.

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如果没有毛先生,克鲁克先生将没有机会生活在中国。Crook would never have lived in China if it hadn't been for Mao.

谜样的百慕大三角洲准备接受彻底大搜查。Bermuda enigmatic Delta is prepared to accept the complete Crook.

老骗子呢?此人无任何做作的痕迹。And the old crook? Without any trace, he is just like a real fraud.

克鲁克已经辞职了,不愿参与这种背信弃义的行为。Crook had resigned his post rather than be party to such treachery.

有时候看到某人穿得很好,但是他说不定是个坏蛋。Sometimes we can see someone well-dressed, but he could be a crook.

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就像镇上每个人说的那样,你言而无信,还贪心。You are a crook like everyone in town thinks you are. You're greedy.

荔湾3-1气田行政上属于中海石油深圳分公司。Administratively liwa n3-1gas field belongs to crook shenzhen company.

如果没有餐巾纸,用前手臂或肘子挡住。If you don't have a tissue, use your upper arm or crook of your elbow.