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三爷对这些误导和煸情的报道简直出离愤怒了!Jermaine Jackson slammed such reports as misleading and "sensationalist".

希腊教会们直到今天仍然反对煽情的展现耶稣所受的折磨。The Greek churches, even to this day, resist sensationalist presentations of the suffering of Jesus.

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汇丰银行高端市场观察员也同意,那些声称提高利率的恐慌的人“纯属感觉论者”。A top market-watcher with HSBC agrees, saying the fear of rising interest rates is "quite sensationalist."

要通过对好奇者叫嚣来先发制人结束对话,这样真的是彻彻底底的耸人听闻的举动。Preemptively trying to shut down the dialogue by shouting at the curious is the truly sensationalist move here.

显然,这类主题在“今日心理学”这类论坛没有立足之地。I was admonished for tackling "sensationalist and sexist" topics that apparently have no place in a forum such as Psychology Today.

策划这项活动的人抱怨媒体耸动的负面报导,并且表示无论如何,毒贩间的火拚不应该会影响到观光客。Promoters complain about sensationalist media coverage and argue that traffickers killing each other should not affect tourists anyway.

换句话说,失控的气候变化导致大批无家可归的无国籍难民出逃,这样的标题只是哗众取宠。In other words, not quite the hordes of homeless, stateless refugees fleeing runaway climate change that the sensationalist headlines evoke.

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注意不要把预测报道成为确定的东西——这是制造轰动效应,而没有给读者任何关于这类模型如何工作的概念。Be careful not to report predictions as certainties — that is sensationalist and does not give the audience any idea of how such models work.

谁在暗示中国的霸权是必然甚至可能的?这么多渲染的猜测伪装成新闻!Who has been suggesting that china's supremacy IS inevitable, or even possible? So much sensationalist speculation masquerading as 'journalism'!

很快,1980年代的煽情新闻风在黄孩子之争中甚嚣尘上,而这种新闻风格也就铸就了“黄色新闻”之名。Soon, the sensationalist press of the 1890s became a competition between the "yellow kids," and the journalistic style was coined "yellow journalism."

信誉卓著的网上博彩司法管辖区马耳他否定了一般写煽情文章的人的声称网络博彩产业是不规范的和不择手段的。One of the better online gambling jurisdictions, Malta, has repudiated general sensationalist claims that the industry is unregulated and unscrupulous.

很快,1980年代的煽情新闻风在黄孩子之争中甚嚣尘上,而这种新闻风格也就铸就了“黄色新闻”之名。Soon, the sensationalist press of the 1890s became a competition between the "yellow kids, " and the journalistic style was coined "yellow journalism."

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他不相信媒体,他认为媒体总是耸人听闻,基于事实的报道基本不存在。He doesn\\\\\\\'t trust the media, because \\\\\\\'they go for sensationalist stuff. Nothing has really presented things in a way that is factual.\\\\\\\'

然而目前,由敏感人士和小报煽起的乔布斯要离开的传闻,也因周三的发布会而有所平静。But for now, concerns that Jobs might have to exit -- stirred by sensationalist and unsubstantiated tabloid reports -- appear to be allayed by Wednesday's proceedings.

在所有对Wikipedia社区的分析中,本次研究堪称是上等佳作,但媒体却得出了一些耸动视听的结论。The studies by PARC are some of the best scientific analysis of Wikipedia's community ever done, but it's led to some rather sensationalist conclusions by media outlets.

在所有对Wikipedia社区的分析中,本次研究堪称是上等佳作,但媒体却得出了一些耸动视听的结论。The studies by PARC are some of the best scientific analysis of Wikipedia's community ever done, but it has led to some rather sensationalist conclusions by media outlets.