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新疆贝母属植物分类研究。A taxonomic study of Fritillaria from Xinjiang.

伊贝母生物碱成分的研究。Studies on the Alkaloid Constituents of Fritillaria pallidiflora Schrenk.

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两种贝母淀粉颗粒的形状是圆形的和椭圆形的。The starch granule in two species of Fritillaria L. was in cycloidal or elliptic-shape.

结论此方法可以用于中药材贝母的鉴别和分析。ConclusionThis method can be used for medicines Fritillaria identification and analysis.

据报导,目前我国贝母属植物有61种,50个变种,5变型。It is reported that there are 61 species, 50 varieties, and 5 metatypics from Fritillaria.

简明报导贝母植物碱化学结构的研究。A concise report on the study of the Chemical structures of Fritillaria alkaloids is given.

此外还盛产天麻、贝母等名贵中草药。Besides, it teems with famous Chinese medicine like Gastrodiae, Rz and Fritillaria thunbergii.

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用定量法测定浙贝种子的活力,判断浙贝种子质量的优劣。This paper presents a quantitative determination of the seed activity of Fritillaria thunbergii.

甲基化分析则表明这些序列在平贝母的基因组中均被高度甲基化。Methylation assay showed that these sequences are heavily methylated in the Fritillaria ussuriensis. Maxim genome.

该种方法可用于贝母的鉴别,并有助于贝母化学特征指纹图谱的建立。Identification of Fritillaria and establishment of the chemical characteristic fingerprinting can used the methods.

在伊贝母组织培养过程中,建立了稳定的鳞茎发生体系。The system of conparatively stable bulb genesis has been built in long term tissue culture of Fritillaria pallidiflora Schrenk.

采用超临界CO2流体提取技术提取川贝母游离生物碱。This experiment was carried out by supercritical CO2 fluid technology to extract the drifting alkaloids from Fritillaria cirrhosa.

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目的以镇咳、祛痰、平喘为药效学指标,跟踪湖北贝母活性部位。Object To track the effective part of antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic activities of Fritillaria hupehensi Hsiao et K. C.

目的研究湖北贝母总生物碱对豚鼠的平喘作用及其机理。ObjectiveTo investigate the antiasthmatic effect and its mechanism of the total alkaloids from Fritillaria hupehensis in guinea pigs.

目的以镇咳、祛痰、平喘为药效学指标,跟踪湖北贝母活性部位。Object To track the effective part of antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic activities of Fritillaria hupehensi Hsiao et K. C. Hsia.

总之,喷施叶面肥能提高平贝母鳞茎产量和生物碱含量。Above all, spraying leaf fertilizer can improve the yield of bulbs and the biological Alkali in the bulb of Fritillaria ussuriensis maxim.

本文对伊贝母黄花茎段组织培养过程中鳞茎形态发生的组织解剖学和过氧化物酶活性、同工酶的变化进行了研究。This paper is a study on morphogenetic process of bulb formation of explants from etiolated seedlings of Fritillaria pallidiflora Schrenk.

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目的对川贝母、浙贝母和东贝母进行区别鉴定。Object To identify Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don. , Fritillaria thunbergii Miq. and Fritillaria thunbergii Miq. var. chekiangensis Hsiao et K.

结论两种贝母淀粉由于来源不同,物理化学性质存在明显的差异。Conclusion The physicochemical properties of starch in two different species of Fritillaria L. differ a lot due to their geographical origin.

中药外用方浙贝母、白芨、附子各适量,研粉,加入雪花膏中,早晚各搽于面部。Chinese Fritillaria external side, White RB, Fuzi the right amount, and research, powder, cream to join in sooner or later the paint on the face.