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但这就是政治。But that is politics.

我是政治迷。I'm a politics junky.

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你的政见如何?What are your politics?

说说下流的政治。Talk about dirty politics.

他仅浅涉政治而已。He just dabbles in politics.

他仅仅是涉足政治而已。He just dabbles in politics.

缩写与略语在政治中屡见不鲜。Initials abound in politics.

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他仅浅涉政治而已。He just dab bles in politics.

但政治是另一回事。But politics is another matter.

这些属于政治还是经济范畴?Are these politics or economics?

在北方邦的所有政治基础就是种姓。All UP's politics is caste-based.

这是一个不错的政治学模型吗Is this a good model of politics?

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我们的政见不一致。Our opinions diverge on politics.

政治并不适合这里简言。Politics simply doesn’t fit here.

宫廷政治也起了一定的作用。Palace politics also plays a role.

政治常制造一些奇怪的同床异梦者。Politics makes strange bedfellows.

对叶芝来说政治让她们变的丑陋。Politics makes them ugly to Yeats.

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她对政治非常博学多闻。She's really clued up on politics.

在你们家里,政见不同。And in your house, politics divide.

他在27岁时步入了政界。He entered politics when he was 27.