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他们平均分布So they are uniformly distributed.

曾经的绿地现在变成了一片褐色。The once-green fields were now uniformly brown.

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我们然后统一地插入纸这二个飞行员留间隔。We then uniformly interleave these two pilot spacings.

此显微镜盖玻片防腐蚀、厚度均匀、扁平。Cover glasses are corrosion-resistant and uniformly thick and flat.

暂行条例在全中国统一实施。The Interim Regulations were uniformly implemented throughout China.

由控制中心对箱体进行统一设防和撤防。A control center is used to arm and disarm uniformly on the box body.

开展了PHFB梁在均布荷载作用下的参数分析。Parametric analysis on PHFB under uniformly distributed loads is made.

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由于同时发生在一个面积广阔的锋面,于是就形成了这种卷云。When this happens uniformly across a large front, a roll cloud may form.

我在华盛顿中学学习很刻苦,但是并没有在门门课程上取得同样高分。I worked hard at George Washington but did not get uniformly great grades.

内置双速循环泵可使包围着试样的流体温度均匀。Built-in, two-speed pump circulates the fluid uniformly around your samples.

由于她的行为单独的,一致的宠爱,你不能知道那一个是那一个。From her behavior alone, uniformly doting, you couldn't know which was which.

其网片钢度大。弹性好。间距均匀准确。焊接点强度高。The mesh stiffness. Good elasticity. Uniformly accurate welding high strength.

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为了保证喂料均匀,采用了一种滚筒气力两级生物质粉末喂料器。A two-step pulverized biomass feeder was designed to maintain feeding uniformly.

冲洗水要均匀地分布在整个滤料平面上。C. flushing water shall be distributed uniformly across the whole filter surface.

企业软件确实非常麻烦,但这种烦恼却是我们自找的。Enterprise software is almost uniformly horrible, but there's no reason for that.

就业证由劳动保障部统一印制。Work permits are prepared uniformly by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

本仲裁规则统一适用于仲裁委员会及其分会。These Rules uniformly apply to the Arbitration Commission and its Sub-Commissions.

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此显微镜盖玻片防腐蚀、厚度均匀、扁平。These microscope cover glasses are corrosion-resistant and uniformly thin and flat.

磷化过的车身必须全湿或全干状态进入电泳槽。Phosphated bodies should be uniformly wet or dry when they enter the phosphate bath.

现今领导群伦的都是清一色奉西方为圭臬的年轻人。Leading the effort today are Western-oriented leaders who are almost uniformly young.