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可乐定避免其他形式。Avoid other forms of clonidine.

更多信息,可参看有关可乐定的专题。For more information, please see the drug monograph on Clonidine.

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每刻尽可乐是基于当时的市场环境提出的。Make every moment of clonidine was based on the environment of the market.

可乐宁发挥中枢作用的确切部位尚不清楚。The exact site at which clonidine exerts this central effect is not precisely known.

结论盐酸可乐宁在急性视网膜缺血损伤中可以保护视网膜的结构和功能。Conclusion Clonidine can protect retinal structure and function in acute retinal ischemia insult.

可乐定对分娩时硬膜外罗吡卡因最低局部镇痛浓度的影响。The Effect of Clonidine on the Minimum Local Analgesic Concentration of Epidural Ropivacaine During Labor.

洛非西定是可乐定的同类物,同属于非阿片类药物,可缓解阿片类依赖的戒断症状。Lofexidine, a clonidine analogue, is a non opioid agent used to relieve the withdrawal symptoms of opiate dependence.

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其他形式的可乐定用于治疗高血压的成年人,但这些配方不可以互换。Other forms of clonidine are used in the treatment of hypertension in adults, but these formulations should not be interchanged.

为进一步确定胃张力和敏感性的关系,在健康志愿者身上应用可乐定和硝酸甘油。To further determine the relationship between gastric tone and sensitivity, clonidine and nitroglycerine have been given to healthy volunteers.

这可乐配方的适应症为治疗多动症患者,不论是单一治疗或辅助治疗,以兴奋剂药物。This formulation of clonidine is indicated for treating patients with ADHD, either as monotherapy or as adjunctive therapy to stimulant medications.

采用高效液相色谱法测定复方盐酸多塞平胶囊中盐酸多塞平与盐酸可乐定的含量。HPLC method was reported for the simultaneous determination of doxepin hydrochloride and clonidine hydrochloride in compound doxepin hydrochloride capsules.

处理方法所有被测儿童均进行可乐宁激发试验及夜间5小时GH分泌相测定。Interventions All cases were carried out with Clonidine test and measurement of nocturnal 5-hour GHprofile by sampling interval of 30 minutes after onset of their sleep.

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方法采用高效液相色谱法对盐酸可乐定、氢氯噻嗪、芦丁及蒙花苷的含量进行测定。Methods HPLC method was utilized to determine the ingredients which were individually extracted from clonidine hydrochloride, hydrochlorothiazide, rutin and linarin of flos chrysanthemi indici.

探讨中枢交感神经活性抑制对老年大鼠心功能、单个心室肌细胞收缩幅度和细胞存活率的影响。To investigate the effects of inhibition of central sympathetic activity by clonidine on single ventricular myocyte contractile amplitude, heart function and survival rate of myocytes in aged rats.