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看着父亲宽大的手掌。Looking atthepalm of father's liberality.

慷慨不在于给得多而在于给得好。Liberality is not giving much but giving wisely.

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唐朝是一段以开明著称的时期。Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality.

她坚定地寄希望于他的慷慨打算。She firmly relied on the liberality of his intentions.

唐朝是一段以开明著称的时期。The Tang Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality.

她的性格是随着她的成长而一步步丰满的。Her character is with her grow up but step-by-step liberality.

靠你是谁,这可以是好的或坏的宽大。Depending on who you are, this liberality can be either good or bad.

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你在无助时想起了那个宽大的肩膀了吗?。Did you remind of that the shoulder of the liberality while doing not help?

我希望永远看到美国是最公正、公平的国家。I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.

对于一位思想开明的人士而言,他希望其间不致存在不可逾越的鸿沟。He hoped that would be no insurmountable objection to a man of his liberality of sentiment.

这场婚礼中最引人注目的特点,就是会吏长的分外慷慨。The most remarkable feature in the whole occasion was the excessive liberality of the archdeacon.

及至我来到了,你们写信举荐谁,我就打发他们,把你们的捐资送到耶路撒冷去。And when I come, whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters, them will I send to bring your liberality unto Jerusalem.

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就是他们在患难中受大试炼的时候,仍有满足的快乐,在极穷之间,还格外显出他们乐捐的厚恩。How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality.

上帝为祂的慷慨施恩做个说词,因为在祂里面有丰富的恩典,所以这人不能不得赏赐。Jesus finds an apology for His liberality in that which His grace has led me to do, and He says, "He shall in no wise lose his reward."

我们是以严格尊重所有上述义务的态度,和空前高昂的自由精神来进行这场战争的。The war has been waged on our part with scrupulous regard to all these obligations,and in a spirit of liberality which was never surpassed.

他的政策被说成是“发明”,这里只需说这个新的“发明”是福特先生的慷慨的结果就够了。His wage policy was described as an "invention, " yet it is not enough to say that this new "invented" policy was the result of the liberality of Mr. Ford.

一个理性的人将具备智慧、聪明、审慎等理智品德,以及诸如胸襟开阔、节制等个性品德。The rational man will have the intellectual virtues of wisdom, intelligence and prudence and the character virtues of, for example, liberality and temperance.

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第二部分从学院派复制版画与艺术家创作版画并存的矛盾现象,论述铜版画转变的过程。The second section elaborates the transformation of chalcography from the paradox caused by the co-existence of academic gravure of reproduction and artistic gravure of liberality.

我们的城邦向世界敞开大门,且从不排除让外国人,向我们学习及观摩的机会,就算敌人可能因此,从我们的慷慨中受益“,伯里克利斯再次自夸。We throw our city open to the world and never exclude foreigners from any opportunity of learning and observing even though the eyes of an enemy may profit from our liberality " Pericles boasts once again.