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奥比王的力量现在已经衰弱了。The Force is weak in Obi Wang right now.

正是在这一点时,奥比安排堕胎。It is at this point when Obi arranges an abortion.

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乔-奥比-米克尔昨天拿到了工作证。Jon Obi Mikel was granted his work permit yesterday.

奥比岛真假黑莲任务!要图!!!!!Obi Island, genuine black lotus task! To map! ! ! ! !

但是她从来没有像爱欧比旺一样地去爱其他人。But she's never loved anyone the way that she loved Obi.

现代的宽腰带是从18世纪开始使用的。The contemporary wide obi dates only from the 18th century.

欧比喜欢听我弹唱,但从没尝试加入献技“。Obi loves listening to me playing, but he never attempts to join in.

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我对奥比。米凯尔的犯规的确很严重,但我的目标是皮球。The first was hard on Obi Mikel, but I did intend to go for the ball.

切尔西已经和布来克和迈克尔签了约,这就是竞争。Chelsea have signed Ballack and John Obi Mikel and there is competition.

师傅们在每次重点介绍这条腰带的时候都特高兴。The craftsman is really happy whenever this obi is introduced at various occasions.

摩尔庄园,奥比岛,时空港,海底世界,那个好?Moore Park, Obi Island, time and space in Hong Kong, the underwater world, that good?

两个完全的中前卫是米克尔·容·奥比以及麦克尔·埃辛,因此这不会带来太大的问题。The two are Mikel Jon Obi and Michael Essien, so that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

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同样,欧Okonkwo收到了奖学金,学习法律,但改变追求译成英语。Similarly, Obi Okonkwo received a scholarship to study law but changed pursuits to English.

我们也有非常有潜质的天才球员就像卡劳和米克尔。But we also have young boys like Salomon Kalou and John Obi Mikel, players with big potential.

尽管巴拉克从球监里解放了出来,米克尔又开始了他的一场禁赛。Though Michael Ballack returns from domestic suspension, John Obi Mikel begins a one-game ban.

切尔西的中场小将约翰·比·克尔惹恼了尼日利亚队主教练奥斯丁·加沃恩。Chelsea midfielder John Obi Mikel is in the middle of a row with Nigeria coach Austin Eguavoen.

米克尔相信切尔西会以前无古人的四冠王来结束本赛季。John Obi Mikel is convinced Chelsea can finish the season by winning an unprecedented Quadruple.

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他继续纳贿直至小说,当欧比决定,他不能忍受它了。He continues to take bribes until the end of the novel, when Obi decides he cannot stand it anymore.

目前尼足协决定无限期的禁止米克尔参加所有的国家队比赛。The NFA has now decided to suspend Obi Mikel from all international action for an indefinite period.

这也许意味着始于约翰奥比米克尔和萨洛蒙卡劳之后,很可能再次从美国召回夸雷斯马。It could mean starts for John Obi Mikel and Salomon Kalou and possibly a recall for Ricardo Quaresma.