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她应得退款。She is due refund.

能退给我钱吗?。Can I have a refund?

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我要全额退费。I want a full refund.

我可以退这张票吗?Can I refund this ticket?

我真的希望你能退钱。I really prefer a refund.

我到哪里领退税款呢。Where can I get the refund.

请给我一张巡税表格好吗?May I have the tax refund form?

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我想退换这个果汁机。I would like to refund this blender.

我想退换这个果汁机。I would like to refund on this blender.

至少雅培公司给予了消费者赔偿。At least Abbott gave customers a refund.

我要求呃剐交易全铪退款。I demand a full refund for this purchase.

学校拒绝退还她的学费。The college refused to refund her tuition.

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您的客票限制在原出票地点退票。We can refund the full fare ticket for you.

适用于退还订购单内个别项目的款项。Applicable to refund of the whole Order Form.

如果顾客坚持要退款我们可以接受。But we still refund consumers if they insist.

真的不理解为什么要退赌金!Really don't see why they need to refund bets!

那么如果我退交图书证,我可以取回押金吗?And If I return the card, can I get the refund?

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我们马上给您换盘菜,这盘也不要您钱了。We will replace the dish and refund your money.

这里的服务太差了,我要求退钱。The service here is terrible. I demand a refund.

去退票,结果对方公司已经搬迁走了。To refund a result, other companies have moved away.