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我觉得你是个大坏蛋。I think you are a blackguard.

我以前以为他是坏人。I used to think he was a blackguard.

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她是一个恶毒的老妇人。She is an old blackguard of a woman.

那男子也是个无赖的材料。And in the man the material for a blackguard.

不过是一个发怒的恶棍含含糊糊的指控罢了。It's no more than the vague charge of an angry blackguard.

那只不过是一个恼羞成怒的诈骗犯所编造的含糊其辞的指控。It's no more than the vague charge of an angry blackguard.

这封信不过使他们把我想得下流而已。This letter will only make them think me a blackguard one.

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反圣武士像牧师那样准备和施放法术,使用黑暗卫士的法术列表。He prepares and casts spells just like a cleric. He uses the blackguard spell list.

这些成见植根于这样一种看法,即每个流浪者本身是个无赖。These prejudices are rooted in the idea that every tramp, ipso facto, is a blackguard.

那妇人就具有做恶婆的本质,那男子也是个无赖的材料。There was in the woman a substratum of the brute, and in the man the material for a blackguard.

他会做出任何事情以捍卫他的地位,会迫使劳拉和像索姆威勒这样背景的人结婚的。He would do anything to safeguard it, right down to making Nora marry a blackguard like Summerville.

杀千刀的臭流氓啊,镜子商卡布姆-达哈宾这么好的人,怎么也不应该去打扰他!A thousand curses on the blackguard. A good man like Kalbum Dahabin, the maker of mirrors, deserves to be left in peace!

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欣德利先生喊到,他非常享受看着希斯克利夫的窘迫,也很想看着难以亲近的小流氓将如何表现自己。Hindley, enjoying his discomfiture, gratified to see what a forbidding young blackguard he would be compelled to present himself.

欣德利师长教师喊到,他很是享受看着希斯克利夫的拮据,也很想看着这个难以亲近的小混混将若何默示自己。Hindley, enjoying his discomfiture, and gratified to see what a forbidding young blackguard he would be compelled to present himself.

又是那个流氓屠夫,他的脚被推土机刮到了,立刻跳过来要给我颜色看看。It was the blackguard butcher again, who said he had cut his foot over the scraper, and would immediately bring an action against me.

你是说她丈夫信中的威胁?那有什么了不起?不过是一个发怒的恶棍含含糊糊的指控罢了。You mean the threat in her husband's letter? What weight would that carry? It's no more than the vague charge of an angry blackguard.

欣德利先生喊到,他非常享受看着希斯克利夫的窘迫,也很想看着这个难以亲近的小流氓将如何表现自己。Hindley, enjoying his discomfiture , and gratified to see what a forbidding young blackguard he would be compelled to present himself.

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当黑暗卫士向地狱魔王兜售自己的美德以换取力量时,反圣武士并不需和地狱方面进行任何沟通就完成了相似的转变。While a blackguard trades his virtue to the dark lords in exchange for power, the antipaladin does not need to bargain with any hellspawn to walk into the shadows.