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那么上帝将复活死者。So God will resurrect the dead.

你计划要重启那些囚室的使用?You plan to resurrect the cell’s use?

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据说这种药能起死回生。It is said that this medicine can resurrect the dead.

我们到底希不希望用化身来从死亡中复活?Can we ever hope to use avatars to resurrect the dead?

我们假设一下最终审判日的时候,上帝将复活死者。Let's suppose that come Judgment Day, God will resurrect the dead.

为了挽救文化,将碑石运到了这里。To resurrect cultural traditions, they brought some past steles here.

边疆国境的历史经典复活长外的印刷宝石。Frontier Classics resurrect long out-of-print gems of frontier history.

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但城市里人口和就业的压力注定了农村经济的复活。But population and cost pressures are destined to resurrect the hinterlands.

很多人促请政府令居者有其屋计划复活。Many people have urged the government to resurrect the home ownership scheme.

复活弥撒过后,他们还要去参加墓地葬礼。After the mass of the resurrect ion they would all go to the graveside service.

你想花费你职业生涯里这几年的巅峰时间来救活一支球队吗?Would you want to spend the peak years of your career trying to resurrect a team?

今天展现在你们面前的我,是一个能够重塑自己生活和事业的我。Today I stand before you as someone who was able to resurrect his life and career.

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致力于让贾哈尔苏醒的堕落天使,在追忆的庭园被阿尔丰斯杀死。Angel who wanted to resurrect Shaher. Was killed by Alphonse in the Garden of Memories.

杰雷米阿利亚迭雷相信,被租借到凯尔特人一年将重新点燃他参加世界杯的希望。Jeremie Aliadiere believes his one-year loan move to Celtic Park could resurrect his World Cup dream.

只有当本方在地图上没有控制任何一个墓地时,你才能在开始的通道重生。You will only resurrect at the starting tunnel if your side does not control any Graveyards on the map.

当玩家在船上或飞空艇上死掉并释放,复活后不再只有少量的法力和生命。Players will no longer resurrect with low mana and health if they died and released on a Zeppelin or Ship.

沃克是星罗棋布的96届选秀中最近的试着延续自己篮球生涯的球星。Walker is the latest from the star-studded draft class of 1996 to try and resurrect his basketball career.

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正是这样一个永恒的状态,是提升到6000及更高股时再生溃烂细胞所需的事物。It is a state of timelessness that is required to resurrect decayed cells in the ascent to 6000 and beyond.

这个克隆人在可以自主呼吸前就被杀了,复兴索龙遗产的企图被消灭在萌芽状态。The clone was killed before it ever drew breath, and the attempt to resurrect Thrawn 's legacy was quashed.

“这些是DNA化石,我们总有办法回过头来复活已经灭绝的物种”,Freschotte说。"These are DNA fossils, and we can always put back together and resurrect extinct species, " Feschotte says.