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莫瑞尔太太形单影只,但她对此已经习惯了。Mrs. Morel was alone, but she was used to it.

生薄小牛肉片,黑松露,腌制羊肚菌。Veal carpaccio, truffle, pickled morel mushroom.

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这些故事必须有一个莫雷尔或在他们的教训。The stories must have a morel or a lesson in them.

毛莱尔默不作声,唯恐在妻子面前过于喜形于色。Morel subdued, afraid to seem too jubilant in presence of his wife.

本研究对羊肚菌发酵液的抗疲劳作用进行了动物实验。The fatigue resistant effect of fermented morel liquid is studied in mice.

莫瑞尔太太就这样的一个对家庭和儿子们有极端的占有欲的女人。Mrs. Morel is the woman who has the excessive possession to her family and her sons.

论述了羊肚菌发酵液对小鼠免疫功能影响的实验研究。The experiments studied the effect of fermented morel liquid on immunity function in rats.

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莫雷尔太太和安妮几乎是在跟米丽安比个高低,看看谁听得认真,能博得他的欢心。And Mrs Morel and Annie almost contested with Miriam who should listen best and Win his favour.

远离她的丈夫,莫雷尔夫人需要安慰她的4个孩子,尤其是她的两个儿子。Estranged from her husband, Mrs. Morel takes comfort in her four children, especially her sons.

将扇贝摆置盘中,淋上羊肚菌奶油汁、白块菌油和装饰料即可上桌。Place scallops on plate, spoon morel cream sauce over and add a dash of white truffle oil and garnish.

其他大部分罪犯都进行了上诉,反对法院对他们终生监禁的判决,并希望受到更宽大的处理。Most of the others appealed against their life prison sentences with death, hoping for morel lenient ones.

表明羊肚菌发酵液能有效地增强机体的免疫功能。The author concluded that the fermented morel liquid could effectively regulate the immunity function in rats.

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全世界的科学家长期以来都在尝试对羊肚菌菇进行培育,但是到目前为止还没有成功的先例。Scientists the world over have been trying to breed the morel mushrooms for a long time, so far without success.

然而,今年的好收成却意味著羊肚菌采摘者不能像过去那样高价出售蘑菇。This year's healthy supply means that morel pickers aren't getting the premium prices of past seasons for their harvest.

毛磊表示,欧盟重视同中亚国家关系,同中亚国家开展了积极对话与合作。Morel said EU attaches importance to ties with Central Asian countries and has carried out positive dialogue and cooperation with these countries.

智媛要去吻姜宇赫时被他拒绝,喝多的李猜猜走在街头和姜宇赫相遇,两人相拥而泣。ZhiYuan going to kiss JiangYuHe when he refused, drink morel guess walking in the streets and JiangYuHe meet, two people hug to each other and cry.

魔雷和丹拿的喇叭单元使用在芳婷II上,在实现其性能峰值前需要长时间的熟化。The Morel and Dynaudio drivers utilized in the Fontaine II speaker require a significant amount of break-in before attaining their performance peak.

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远程教育是为更多求学者提供学习机会的新型教育模式,其教育对象的广泛性,决定了学员状况的多样性。Distance education is a new mode of education that provides opportunities for morel earners. The universality of learners determines their varieties.

这也就是为什么瓦格宁根科学家会对他们的发现如此兴奋的另一个原因,尽管他们还没有发现“发情”的真正原因。This is another reason why the Wageningen scientists are delighted with their find, although they have yet to discover why the morel was 'thinking about sex'.

就像魔雷单元,丹拿高音单元的低失真和卓越线性度,在所有功率水平下都能表现。Like the Morel woofers, the Dynaudio tweeter is designed for extremely high power handling coupled with low distortion and superior linearity at all power levels.