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只是为了启发你们。This is just for your edification.

我现在向你们学习和启迪。I commend it to you for your study and edification.

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文化对于人具有无可替代的教化作用。The culture plays an irreplaceable role in human edification.

蒋雪英的艺术生涯和艺术成就及贡献对现今人士颇有启迪。In all, her legendary career and attainment give us the edification.

我们每人都该求近人的喜悦,使他受益,得以建立。Let every one of you please his neighbour unto good, to edification.

在这种气质的熏陶中,我走过一个又一个春秋。In this kind of temperament, I passed the edification of one another.

我最喜欢看的电视节目的喜剧片,它给人带来快乐,从快乐中得到启迪。My favourite TV programme is comedy, which give us happiness and edification.

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健康的心理品质离不开人文精神的陶养。The health mental quality can't be divorced from humanistic spirit edification.

这些事既可以是关于你现在的工作的,也可以是关于你的职场感悟。These can be both for your current job and for your own professional edification.

诸葛亮的成才离不开沂蒙文化对他的哺育与熏陶。His success can't be separated from the nurture and edification of Yimeng Culture.

俄汉谚语的良好的教育功能都给人们带来深刻的启迪。Their instructive function also brings about profound edification to human beings.

作为清政府钱粮基地的江南地区,是康熙帝实施社会教化的核心区域。As the government base of money and food, Jiangnan region was the central area of edification.

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短暂的展示将给人们留下永久的回味,永恒的启迪。Temporary exhibition will remain everybody the everlasting aftertaste and permanent edification.

夏实向教诲主任鹤冈和其他同僚报告说,本人曾经怀孕了。XiaShi to edification director Wolfgang and other colleagues crane report said, I have been pregnant.

藏传佛教亦认为,宝伞象征着佛陀教诲的权威。Tibetan Buddhism also holds the notion that Precious Umbrella symbolizes the power of Buddha's edification.

他的精神深深的感动了师襄子,直到现在,孔子的名言“学而不厌,诲人不倦”仍是我们的座右铭。Even today, Confucius's edification of "Being insatiable in learning" is still regarded as a motto by most people.

对边穷后进地区的开发与建设很有启迪借鉴意义。It has great significance of edification for the development and construction of boundary and drop-behind districts.

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当然,作为微软俱乐部的上任主席,我们的老会长,他给我们传达的是浓浓的情义、深深的教诲和美好的祝福。Of course as the former preside of ms club he delivered his deep reins profoundly edification and brave benison to us.

有地理的旷野,有心灵的旷野,都是属神的人必经之地,对我们有益的。There are geographical and spiritual wildernesses, and the people of God must pass through them for their edification.

取得的研究成果对我国化工园区以及其他工业园区的建设具有一定的借鉴和启迪作用。This study provides some reference and edification for the building of chemical parks or other industrial parks in China.