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我有艺术在每星期二。I have art on Tuesdays.

她每星期二见客。She receives on Tuesdays.

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他们每星期二有英文周考。They have a weekly English quiz on Tuesdays.

周二你一定很爽,你爱骂人吗?You'll just love Tuesdays. Do you like to swear?

我喜欢星期二和星期四。我们有美术课。I like Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have art class.

练习是星期四和星期五的放学后。Practices are Tuesdays and Fri- days after school.

背诵课安排在周三和周四。So, those recitations occur Tuesdays and Thursday.

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只有每周一和周二才有凌晨2点的早班车。Early morning departure of 2am on Mondays and Tuesdays only.

仅仅做到每周二、周三是“值得信任的”还不够。It's not enough to be trustworthy only on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

我们有一整天的背诵课,在周二和周四。We have recitations that run all day long Tuesdays and Thursdays.

每星期二我们幽会时,我不太担心尼克会突然回家。I didn’t worry much about Nick coming home on our Tuesdays together.

是,我给过她,虽然她从未读过。Though in her defense, she never read" Tuesdays with Morrie" either.

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我们队星期二训练封球,星期四打比赛。Our team practices blocking on Tuesdays and plays games on Thursdays.

服装店每星期营业两天,每星期二放学后和每个星期六。The store is open two days a week, Tuesdays after school, and Saturdays.

星期三上自然课,星期二和星期五上计算机课。I have Science on Wednesdays and I have Computer Studies on Tuesdays and Fridays.

游戏图片将在每星期二中午12时更新,你马上又可以玩新游戏了。Check back on Tuesdays at 12noon when we update the game with a new set of pictures.

也许她们周二或者周四上学,周六在办公室补算工作时间。Maybe they go to school Tuesdays and Thursdays and put in makeup time in the office on Saturdays.

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奎雷斯马和瓦尔德斯在周二训练之后和记者谈论起希腊帕尼奥尼奥斯队。Quaresma and Valdés spoke to reporters about Greek team Panionios after Tuesdays training session.

于是,星期一可以安排健康故事,星期二安排商业,星期三则安排政治诸如此类。So Monday might be health stories, Tuesdays could be business, Wednesdays are for politics -and so on.

有一天我发现我自己对我女儿说,“很抱歉,宝贝,麦当劳在星期二不营业。”I caught myself saying to my daughter the other day, "I'm sorry sweetie, but McDonald's isn't open on Tuesdays.