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我认为我不配或甚至会带着警惕心。I suppose I felt undeserving or perhaps even cautious.

新闻界是不值得我们支持的另一方。The press has surely been another party undeserving of our support.

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想要证明食品券领取者不配领取救济同样是件难事。It is also hard to argue that food-stamp recipients are undeserving.

每当你善待一个不配的人,便是靠著神的爱所赋予的能力行事。Whenever you do something good for an undeserving person, you are acting on the power of agape.

赞美不值之人,是莫大的讽刺---本杰明。富兰克林,美国政治家,发明家和作家。Praise to the undeserving is severe satire---Benjamin Franklin, American statesman, inventor and author.

有很长时间我一直无法理解,为什么像他一样有能力的人长期忠诚于这般没有吸引力的职位。For a long time I could not understand how someone of his caliber could remain so intractably loyal to such an undeserving employer.

它们将转变为学习的机会,而非用来证明我们不够好、不能被爱、没有价值或是不值得拥有我们所渴望的一切。They become opportunities for learning instead of proof that we are not good enough, unlovable, unworthy or undeserving of what we want.

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对陈瑜来说,他认识到了作弊是错误之举,总觉得自己不配享受现在的生活。As for Chen, he realizes that he was wrong to cheat, and he can`t shake the sense that he is undeserving of the life he has been enjoying.

他应该认为自己是幸运的-如果完全不值得-因为挪威的刑罚体系是世界上最宽松的国家之一。And he should count himself lucky for -- if entirely undeserving of -- a penal system in that country that is among the cushiest in the world.

而属于那些对杰克逊堕落的私人生活阶段念念不忘的人中的一个的纽约众议院议员给杰克逊的评价是“堕落者”,说他不值得受到这么大的关注。And in one of the few reminders of Jackson's darkest hours, a New York congressman branded Jackson a "pervert" undeserving of so much attention.

一个社工解释道新加坡需要在保持综合福利服务的潜在支出的基础上摒弃那些不值得救助者并且使他们警醒。One explains that Singapore needs to weed out undeserving claimants and shakes his head at the potential cost of a comprehensive welfare service.

部分原因至少是政府官员担心被指责为救助那些不值得帮助的人,结果,几乎谁也没有得到救助。At least part of the reason is that officials were so worried that they might be accused of helping the undeserving that they ended up helping almost nobody.

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愿我们都作那群忠信的子民,遵守上帝的道,并且接受我们不配得的,上帝藉著耶稣基督所应许的祝福。May we today be those faithful ones who follow in the ways of the lord and, though undeserving , receive His promised blessings provided through Jesus Christ.

上世纪的著名记者丽贝卡.韦斯评论到,“创造一幅艺术品的力量如同一个绝妙的表情,通常都是无意间进行的。”Rebecca West, a great journalist of the last century, remarkedthat "the power to create a work of art, like a good complexion, is frequently bestowed on the undeserving."