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如果李在镕具有商业才干,那这是幸事。If Mr Lee the third has business acumen , fine.

鲍勃是一名超卓的辩护律师,他拥有超群的法令才智。Bob is an excellent trial lawyer with a superior legal acumen.

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聪明人把聪慧用在垂直的广告装寘上。The wise man used his acumen in the vertical acquaintment device.

微软之所以能垄断市场,一部分靠运气,一部分靠机智。The Microsoft monopoly was one part luck, one part business acumen.

内莫迪亚人把一生的大部分时间都献给了残酷的商战。The Neimoidian life-cycle has contributed much to their cutthroat business acumen.

她精于分析,令人惊讶,能够解决让警方挠头的各种奇案。She uses her surprising analytical acumen to solve mysteries that have stumped the police.

比较一下史蒂夫.麦克拉伦枯燥无味的无能和穆里尼奥完全付诸行动的战术才能。Compare the insipid ineptitude of Steve McClaren with Mourinho's all-action tactical acumen.

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最好找那些认同首席执行官的经理们,并夸奖他的智慧和远见。It is best to find managers who agree with the CEO and praise him for his acumen and foresight.

这些领导人具有所需的能力和敏锐触觉,成功带领中国进入廿一世纪。These leaders have the ability and the acumen to steer China successfully into the 21st century.

去年,埃克斯福特先生在为马汀夫人拍卖两件拍品时,展现了相当的营销才干。Mr Axford had displayed considerable acumen in marketing two of her pieces in his sale last year.

这是个有帮助的工具,但是你需要临床经验来解释漏报或多报的症状。It's a tool to help, but you needclinical acumen to account for over- or under-reporting of symptoms.

基辛格自己就是一位受人敬仰的思想家,而他显然被中国的战略智慧所折服。For a man considered a master thinker himself, Mr. Kissinger is clearly in awe of China's strategic acumen.

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布莱克浦上次在顶级联赛中亮相要追溯到1971年,他们这次能够升入英超要感谢他们的主帅伊恩·霍洛韦。Blackpool's first appearance in the topflight since 1971 owes much to the managerial acumen of boss Ian Holloway.

中国历史上有很多关于曹操的残暴、狡猾,军事才能以及政治敏锐性的奇闻轶事。In Chinese lore, a number of anecdotes tell of Cao Cao's ruthlessness, cunning, and military and political acumen.

聪明人基金会开始于约十年前,是个接受捐赠人善款的非盈利实体。The Acumen Fund was started almost a decade ago and it is a non-profit entity that receives grants from its donors.

对公司来说,当外部环境发生改变、需要重新定位企业的时候,商业智慧最为重要。In companies, business acumen is crucial when the external world changes and there's a need to reposition the business.

乔丹的得分敏锐性是可怕的,而且,又一次,同样有能力的科比在这方面没有可比性。Jordan's scoring acumen was uncanny and, again, there is really no comparison between the equally athletic Kobe Bryant.

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世界上许多地方都有众多的人才和充足的资本以及发展尖端科技的决心。Various regions around the world possess ample talent and capital and a determination to improve their technological acumen.

而时至今日,中国收藏家正着手与收购这些瓷器,以向先辈们的智慧与商业眼光致敬。Now Chinese collectors are beginning to acquire them as homage to the sophistication and commercial acumen of their forebears.

在这场冷酷无情的表演中,坚忍和聪敏坐在贵宾席上,荒谬、希望以及死亡常驻足于他们的嘴角边。Tenacity and acumen are privileged spectators of this inhuman show in which absurdity, hope, and death carry on their dialogue.