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新的降雪使耕地更加宽阔。New snowfall widens the plowing.

没有雪的世界好遗憾啊!O pity those where There's no snowfall.

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中国北方干旱地区开始降雪。Snowfall brings respite to drought-hit areas.

雪乡是全国降雪量最大的地区。Snow Land receives the largest snowfall in China.

他们下一步将把这套系统应用在预测降雪和冰雹上。Next they will apply the work to snowfall and hail.

这是一场在傍晚开始降落的雪It was the sort of snowfall that starts in late afternoon

她同样会以几瓶海洋墨水的价格出售落雪墨水。She also sells Snowfall Ink for multiple Inks of the Sea.

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全市性降雪是韶关市的灾害性天气之一。Snowfall is one of the meteorological disasters in Shaoguan.

实际上我是在虞给我发来一段视频后才知道下雪了的。Actually I learned of the snowfall only after yoyo sent me a VCR.

雪被之上,大雪还在不停地下着,如同一团移动的浓云。And above it the snowfall still hung in a thick and moving cloud.

我能捕捉到记录着降雪过程的图像序列。I was able to capture a sequence of images recording the snowfall.

他写道,一个盲人看着飘雪独自微笑。He wrote about a blind man watching the snowfall and smiling to himself.

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这将有助于防寒前的第一场雪实际植物。This will help to winterize the actual plants before the first snowfall.

在布法罗或密苏拉,一场20英尺厚的降雪可能得到一次不感兴趣的耸肩。In Buffalo or Missoula, a 20-inch snowfall might get a half-hearted shrug.

他仍然能听见礼堂里的音乐,但雪落也是一部分。He could still hear the music from the hall but it was part of the snowfall.

刚下过雪的那一瞬间。还有什么比这更能使人平静的吗?The first few moments after a fresh snowfall. Is there anything more serene?

只有罕见的暴雪才会暂时打乱铁路的运行。Only an exceptionally heavy snowfall might temporarily dislocate railway service.

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寒潮来袭,北京迎来今冬首次降雪,这让当地居民颇感意外。Cold snap brings Beijing's first snowfall this winter, which has surprised locals.

水来自于雨水和雪,储藏在地下水箱。Water is collected from rain or snowfall and stored in large underground cisterns.

中国天气网讯目前,辽宁大部分地区的降雪仍在继续。China Weather Reuters Currently, in most parts of Liaoning, snowfall is continuing.