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打开电源,接通血氧计。Turn on oximeter by activating power.

对比血氧计脉率与病人桡动脉搏动。Compare oximeter pulse rate with client's radial pulse.

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本文研制了一种新型的脉搏血氧监护仪。This paper presents a new kind of pulse oximeter monitor.

确认可能影响脉氧仪精确度的各种因素。Identify factors likely to interfere with accuracy of pulse oximeter.

评价通气对脉搏氧饱和度仪影响的最佳位置是什麽?What Is the Best Site for Measuring the Effect of Ventilation on the Pulse Oximeter Waveform?

基于WPAN技术,设计并实现了具有高度灵活性的脉搏血氧饱和度检测仪。A highly sensitive pulse oximeter is developed for oxygen saturation of blood on the basis of WPAN.

测定毛细血管再充盈情况,决定特定病人脉氧仪探针放置部位。Determine client-specific site appropriate to place pulse oximeter probe by measuring capillary refill.

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本文介绍采用OEM模块设计的掌上型脉搏血氧仪的软、硬件设计,该仪器具有结构小巧。This paper describes the software and hardware design of an OEM module-based hand -hold pulse oximeter.

此手指血氧仪能够通过手指检测到人体的血氧饱和度和心率。The fingertip Oximeter can be used to measure human Hemoglobin Saturation and heart beat through finger.

本文旨在设计一种适用于家庭社区的便携式无创脉搏血氧饱和度测量仪。In order to meet the need of family community, this paper is to design a portable non-invasive pulse oximeter.

脉搏血氧仪是一种可连续、无创、方便地检测动脉血氧饱和度的仪器。Pulse oximeter is a reliable, noninvasive, convenient instrument for continuous monitor of arterial oxygen saturation.

因为最大的总光吸收与脉搏相对应,因此脉博血氧测定仪也提供了脉率的图形。Because maximal total light absorption corresponds to a pulse, the pulse oximeter also provides a figure for pulse rate.

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本文介绍无损伤血氧饱和度测量的原理和实用算法,以及脉搏式血氧饱和度仪的设计。This paper mainly discussed measuring principle of noninvasive oxygen saturation and the design of a kind of pulse oximeter.

值得特别提到的是利用光纤传导制成的血氧探头是仪器研制成功的关键。The manufacture of the probe with optical fiber conduction is very important in the development of the skin flap blood oximeter.

脉氧仪显示病人氧饱和度,这是一种非侵入式监测仪,套在病人指头或耳垂上连续监测氧饱和度。The pulse oximeter is a noninvasive monitor attached to the patient's finger or earlobe to measure oxygen saturation continuously.

若为间断性或抽样检查,可除去探测器并关闭血氧仪电源,将探测器贮藏于适当位置。If intermittent or spot-checking SpO2 measurements are planned, remove probe and turn oximeter power off. Store probe in appropriate location.

目的探讨将脉搏血氧饱和度测定仪用于检测中切牙牙髓血氧饱和度以判定牙髓活力的可行性。Objective To discuss the feasibility of examining the saturation of oxygen in blood of pulp using pulse oximeter in order to judge the pulp vitality.

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在与WHO团队其他成员的合作下,理想的脉搏氧监测仪的详细计划已成形,教学包也在建立之中。Working with other members of the WHO team, specifications for the ideal oximeter have been developed and an educational package is being put together.

采用光电容积脉搏血氧饱和度检测系统对67例高血压病人采集的脉搏波信号进行了频域分析,并和66例正常人进行对比分析。The pulse oximeter measuring system was used to do frequency domain analysis for pulse signals of 67 patients with hypertension disease and 66 healthy persons.

该活动称,如果每人每天早睡早起一个小时,那么一个家庭一年可减少二氧化碳排放量85千克天津法语培训。A typical family can reduce its carbon dioxide footprint by 85kg a year if everyone goes to bed and gets up one hour earlier, according to the campaign oximeter.