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这是一本很有用的指南书。This is a very useful guidebook.

我的旅行指南上可没有提到这个公园啊。My guidebook didn't mention the park.

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在我结束旅程回到家后,我开始拒绝使用书质旅游指南了。When I got home, I was a guidebook refusenik.

1778年,一位耶稣会士的牧师写了第一本湖区旅行指南。Jesuit priest wrote the first guidebook in 1778.

Beth正在游览西南部的州,研究美国旅游指南。Beth is exploring the Southwest States researching the USA guidebook.

据我所知每个伦敦人都有一个内容详细的旅行指南为自己导航。Londoners who carry around a London A-Z guidebook to help them navigate.

不要担心,导游书上提到的那家最优惠的旅馆再过一小时就到了。Don’t worry, the most favored hotel in the guidebook is just an hour away.

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唯一的向导手册是约瑟夫·坎贝尔的千面英雄。My only guidebook was Joseph Campbell’s iconic Hero with a Thousand Faces.

你可以买本导游手册或旅游图。报亭就在那边。You can buy a guidebook or a tourist map. The bookstall is just over there.

据我所知每个伦敦人都有一个A-Z的地名小册子来告诉他们怎么在这里驾驶!I know Londoners who carry around a London A-Z guidebook to help them navigate!

据我所知每个伦敦人都有一个内容详细的旅行指南为自己导航。I know Londoners who carry around a London A-Z guidebook to help them navigate.

在近期的数次旅行中,罗施毕发现自己根本就没翻开过自己的旅行指南。Several times on recent trips Rushby found he hadn't opened his guidebook at all.

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所以,在大儿子马修满十六岁那天,我给了他一本纽约曼哈顿的旅游手册。So when Matthew, the oldest, turned 16, I gave him a tour guidebook to Manhattan.

几天以来,我在清醒的每一刻心中都记得旅行指南中对它的描述。The guidebook description has been on my mind every waking hour for several days.

这家博物馆的导游词是用英语、第十一届德语和日语3种语言写的。The guidebook to the museum is write in three language english, gourmand japanese.

这本旅游指南书有1000多页,几乎和我其他行李一样重,由十几位精英旅游写手合力完成。The guidebook was more than 1, 000 pages long and weighed almost as much as my luggage.

为什么蒂娜不在乎掉落到山下的“导游”呢?因为那是一本旅游指南。Why didn't Tina care about the guide that fell off the mountain? Because it was a guidebook.

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我的导游书介绍最好在威基伍花布饮下午茶,而我正好住在那里。My guidebook recommends afternoon tea at the Wedgewood, which happens to be where I'm staying.

“泥浆沸腾,烟气咆哮,形成硫磺烟柱,”当地的导游书这么说。"Here boil the mud-pots, roar the fumaroles, and stand the sulphuric pillars" reads a local guidebook.

请拨电话1-800-524-9797,我们会免费寄给您一本指南,里面尽是产品、想法和灵感。Call and we'll send you a free guidebook overflowing with products, ideas and inspiration. 1-800-524-9797.