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就在这时,蕾切尔走进了四号小工作室。Into Small Workroom 4 came Rachel.

漪欤盛哉,这是工作室的盛况。This is the workroom in all its splendor.

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如果我可以,我会给小龙置办一个工作室。If i can, I'll make a workroom to my bro'.

幸运的是,工作室里有一张沙发。Luckily there was a couch in the Workroom.

所以决定举办我的工作室。That's why I decided to hold this workroom.

不要使用一个办公室,车间或娱乐室的床上。Don't use the bed as an office, workroom or recreation room.

大夫走后,苏去工作室哭了一场。After the doctor had gone Sue went into the workroom and cried.

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有没有给中小型企业做网站的工作室啊?Do have the workroom making website for middle small enterprise?

接下来,就让张老师为我们介绍一下我们数学工作室的成长历程。Next, we would like to invite Mr. Zhang to introduce the growth of our maths workroom.

医生走后,苏走进工作室里,把一条日本餐巾哭成一团湿。After the doctor had gone Sue went into the workroom and cried a Japanese napkin to a pulp.

大夫走后,休走进工作室,哭了,眼泪把一张日式餐巾纸弄得一团湿。After the doctor had gone Sue went into the workroom and cried a Japanese napkin to a pulp.

在通州有没有不错的儿童艺术照影楼或工作室?。Do have good children art in Tong Zhou casting light on the image building or the workroom?

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她们的车间没有正常的排风系统,而且她们只是偶尔佩戴口罩。Their workroom had no functioning ventilation system and they wore face masks only occasionally.

培养箱的各项性能参数均一致,型号只是工作室容积大小的区别。All the parameters of incubator are agreement, just the different volume of the workroom about the model.

他那狭窄局促的水泥工作室内有一幅圣处女玛丽的画像,还有很多尊满身浴血的耶稣受难塑像。His cramped cement workroom holds an image of the Virgin Mary and a large crucifix with a bloodied Jesus.

“无数次失败,”他又一次强调,窘迫不安地看着他位于帕森学院的工作室的地板。“A lot of error, ” he underscored, looking bashfully at the floor of a workroom at Parsons and chuckling.

确实有人看见她在车间里和大家一道时常常转过头去揩眼泪。It was remarked that in the workroom she often turned aside, in the midst of the rest, to wipe away a tear.

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因为这个原因我没有去博物馆,而他们因为那个原因才去你的工作室。Because of this I have not been going to the museum and because of that they have come to see your workroom.

本文介绍了南宁铁路医院制剂室在标准化管理方面的经验。This article presents the experience of standardized management in preparation workroom of Naning Railroad Hospital.

提出在密闭喷漆作业间,采用吹吸式通风法对作业间的漆雾进行治理的方案。A paint vapour treatment by means of blowing and drawing ventilation in an airtight workroom is suggested in the article.