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这种兽药对于防治兽类掉毛很有效。This veterinary product is very effective in preventing molt.

这种兽药对于防治兽类掉毛很有效。This veterinary product is very effective in preventing animal molt.

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在这一天中它要蜕两次皮,交配,在水中产卵。During this single day, they molt twice, mate, and lay eggs in water.

每次蜕皮之后,响尾蛇标志性的环节尾都会增加一节。Rattlesnakes add a segment to their iconic rattles each time they molt.

病变会“漂白了”,成为清洁伤口愈合后,将蜕皮。The lesions will "bleach out" and become clean wounds that will heal after a molt.

内蒙古通辽市哪儿可以做复合彩光脱毛、???????Inner Mongolia Tong Liao City anywhere can make the compound color up molt? ? ? ? ? ? ?

在吹氧时,钢水会自动进入到探头的取样盒内,形成对钢水的取样。The probe introduces molt en steel form the steel bath into sampling chamber during blowing.

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肯定的是,你要保持适当的湿度水平,如果你的捕鸟蛛正接近蜕皮。Be sure that you are maintaining proper humidity levels if your tarantula is approaching a molt.

不同处理中国对虾用在蜕皮上的能量差异不显著。No significant difference in energy allocation for molt was observed between the four treatments.

来自华盛顿大学的科学家们说,这取决于在换羽的时候,你更换飞行羽毛的速度。University of Washington scientists say it depends on how fast you can replace your flight feathers when you molt.

当它们蜕皮进入它们最后的成虫形态时,它们将又抛弃这种伪装变成漂亮的有光泽的蓝黑色。When they molt into their final adult form, they'll discard the camouflage as well and be a beautiful, shiny blue-black.

盐度波动幅度过大不利于中国对虾稚虾的生长,但对蜕皮无影响。It was revealed that too large salinity fluctuation was unbeneficial to the growth, but had less effect on the molt of juvenile F. chinensis.

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小型鸟类一年进行一到两次换羽,在换羽期间,它们一次会替换掉9到10根左右的飞羽,而这个过程将持续几周时间。Small birds molt once or twice a year, and they replace their 9 or 10 primary flight feathers a few at a time over the course of a few weeks.

对不同实验条件和生理状态下雌蟹的比较表明,20-HE具有诱发蜕皮的特性。Comparison of hemolymph 20-HE titers of crabs in different experimental and physiological conditions revealed that 20-HE is capable of inducing the molt.

他说帝王企鹅能在海水里生活几个月,只有在换毛和休息的时候才上岸,但是现在人们还不知道这只企鹅是怎么迷路的。He said emperor penguins can spend months at a time in the ocean, coming ashore only to molt or rest, but did not know what might have caused this particular one to become disoriented.

同样,美国也逐渐脱胎换骨,认识到解决环境问题需要以科学为基础,很多事情亟待处理。We have also watched our own country molt out of stubborn opposition to a far more open willingness to recognize the scientific basis of the problem and the need to do something about it.