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浮躁也被指责一些夫妻分手的原因。Fickleness is also blamed for some of the breakups.

娇艳如依,花心已空。Tender and beautiful, such as by, fickleness is empty.

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她总是批评人性反复无常While she always criticized the fickleness of human nature

她一方面总是批评人的本性朝三暮四。While she always criticized the fickleness of human nature.

时尚通常只是瞬间的东西而已。The fashionable is usually just the fickleness of the moment.

他的故事成为一个说明艺术与生活变化无常的寓言。His story became a parable for the fickleness of art and life.

世态炎凉、我心安稳、爱你如初!My heart is stable, the fickleness of the world, love you again!

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说要定下心来,结果还是很浮躁。Trying to let our hearts settle down, it stil ends up with fickleness.

对生命的漠视和麻木,岂止是世态炎凉。Disregard for human life and numbness, is not only the fickleness of the world.

我喜欢漂亮的皮毛,所以华丽而浮躁。所以思想无法闪光。I like beautiful skin, so gorgeous but fickleness . So thought can't flashlight.

聪明过人的双子座让你倍感诱惑,然而他/她的多变也会将你激怒。You are enticed by the clever Twins, nevertheless the Twins' fickleness enrages you.

然而正是你的这种变化无常,却深深地诱惑着一群渴望牢牢套住你的追求者。Your fickleness will however entice a host of unusual suitors eager to tie you down.

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炎炎夏季,人心浮躁。众人都在期盼发生点什么。Scorching summer, public fickleness. Is public entire at expect incidence to array what.

言行庄重、不躁不贪是医德的具体表现。Solemn words and deeds, "no greed and fickleness " are specific performance of medical ethics.

在经历了春的狂想、夏的浮躁、秋的失落后,我们的灵魂进入冬的安宁寓所。After spring's fantasy, summer's fickleness and autumn's losing, our soul is enter the peaceful place in winter.

纷扰的世界中,浮躁的心绪随着压力的变换悄然游动,有一种心情需要慢慢释放。The fickleness of mind is around us with the changeable press in the noisy world, which should be released slowly.

人长期陷入浮躁、动荡、嘈杂的生活中,会迷失方向、不辨是非。People get into the fickleness and turbulence and noisy life, would lose direction and do not know right and wrong.

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空想家对此批判说,这些都是因人们追名逐利,贪恋风流韵事所带来的浮躁心理引起的。Ideologues blame it on fickleness that comes from social-climbing, gold-digging, unsatisfied sexual or romantic desire.

然后当橡胶涂层之下显露出一大堆的非中奖彩票,当我们又一次损失了钱,我们则开始责备命运的反复无常。And then, when the latex reveals a stack of losers, when we’ve lost our money yet again, we blame the fickleness of fate.

现在中国人对“钱”这“惟一物”的过度的崇敬和崇拜使国人陷入到巨大的焦虑和浮躁中。The over respect and worship of money, the sole object, has cornered Chinese people to the ultimate anxiety and fickleness.