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门厅小桌,茶几,镜子都是树脂材料的。Vestibular teapoy, tea table, the mirror is colophony material.

前庭手种红兰树,看到春风第二芽。Vestibular tree I planted red and blue, to see the second spring buds.

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人类每只耳朵有3万耳蜗毛细胞和前庭毛细胞。Humans are born with 30, 000 cochlear and vestibular hair cells per ear.

推开门,进家后的第一处所便是门厅了。Push open the door, the first location after taking the home is vestibular.

CT能准确地显示前庭导水管扩大,对指导治疗有帮助。CT can accurately show the large vestibular aqueduct, and is helpful to its therapy.

目的研究大鼠前庭神经核群向脊髓的投射纤维特征。Objective To investigate the projection from the vestibular nuclei to the spinal cord.

听神经瘤也称为前庭神经鞘瘤,是导致听觉丧失的并不常见的原因。Also known as vestibular schwannoma, acoustic neuroma is an uncommon cause of hearing loss.

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对于那些有助于��供反馈和困难或下意识的加工。Helps provide feedback for those with difficulty in vestibular or proprioceptive processing.

目的观察强次声波对豚鼠前庭功能的影响。Objective To define the effects of intense infrasound on vestibular function in guinea pigs.

谁记得宫前庭下的酥语,一湾漓江,又禁得宴过曲散的愀然?Who remember palace vestibular crisp language, a Bay River, can have dinner music for Qiaoran?

HSN在检测前庭不对称方面比VIN和推头试验更敏感。HSN tended to be more sensitive in detecting vestibular asymmetry than VIN and head thrust sign.

目的从循证医学角度为前庭神经炎确定治疗方案。Objective To explore the methods of evidence-based treatment for the vestibular neuritis patients.

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文昌鱼前端有眼点,为视觉器,下为前庭及口口叫“口笠”。" Amphioxus front of a focus for the visual, under the vestibular and word of mouth is "I enterprises.

这种口腔前庭盾是专为那些张着嘴打鼾的人们设计的。This oral vestibular shield has been specially designed for those people who snore with their mouth open.

鼻前庭穹窿后方可见由前内向后外走行的较深压迹。Posterior nasal vestibular fornix there is a from the front line to the back-outside deeper pressure trace.

关于前庭系统受刺激后所引起的血压、呼吸等变化已有一定的研究基础。There are some basic researches on the changes blood pressure and breath after stimulating vestibular organ.

目的观察强次声波对豚鼠前庭终器超微结构的损伤情况。Objective To study the ultrastructural changes of vestibular end organs induced by infrasound in guinea pigs.

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这各门厅的特点是,门厅本身就是以“直通式过道”的建筑形式存在。This each vestibular characteristic is, vestibular itself is with " direct form corridor " building form exists.

目的阐明传出前庭神经元与传入前庭神经核的神经联系。Objective To study the connection between the efferent and afferent vestibular neurons in the center neural system.

偶还可因第VIII颅神经的前庭神经受累而出现眩晕。Occasionally, the patient may experience vertigo due to involvement of the vestibular component of the VIIIth nerve.