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安德烈将杰克痛扁直至其不省人事。Andre beats Jack senseless.

他救醒了那个失去知觉的小孩。He revived the senseless child.

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那一击把他打昏了。The blow knocked him senseless.

那意外事件把他们吓昏了。The accident scared them senseless.

她被无谓的拖延弄得很恼火。She was exasperated by the senseless delays.

那些小偷用短棒把这位老人打昏。The thieves bludgeoned the old man senseless.

他坐在Bob的肚子上将他打得昏死过去。He sits on Bob’s stomach and beats him senseless.

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她声嘶力竭对听众唱出她那无意义的小曲。She bawled her senseless ditties to the audience.

暴徒用棒球棒把他打得失去了知觉。The thugs beat him senseless with a baseball bat.

他认为人们在过着毫无意义的生活。It was his be- lief that men lived senseless lives.

这个箱子掉到他头上将他敲得昏了过去。The box fell on his head and knocked him senseless.

可是疯狂错乱和神智不清的人不太可能会成为神的朋友哇。But no mad or senseless person can be a friend of God.

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畜类人不晓得,愚顽人也不明白。The senseless man does not know, fools do not understand

他发现爱德蒙直挺挺地躺地那儿,身上流着血,几乎已失去了知觉。He found Edmond lying prone, bleeding, and almost senseless.

花时间做毫无意义的事——都说时间就是金钱。Waste Time on Senseless Activities – They say time is money.

一根树枝撞得一名女骑手昏了过去。The branch of a tree knocked one of the horsewomen senseless.

现今,这两个女孩正全力为阻止类似的无谓丧命而奔走。Both girls are now desperate for the senseless deaths to stop.

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愚笨参议员的舆论借端引起了轰动。The senseless senator's pretense of consensus caused a sensation.

愚蠢参议员的舆论借口引起了轰动.The senseless senator’s pretense of consensus caused a sensation.

我们遇到过谋杀案,但从没有过这种案件,真是愚蠢。We've had murders, but nothing like this. This is just senseless.