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袖口有魔术贴的皮带扣。The wristband has a velcro strap clasp.

我的腕带。我和你父亲结婚时戴着它。My wristband. I wore it when I married your father.

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腕表跟系统可以无线沟通。The wristband communicates with the home system wirelessly.

为了表明谁是付费的住客,饭店会发给他们一个腕带作为吃饭的标记。Guests will now be given a wristband to identify them as paying customers.

一个能实现这些功能的腕表模型已经存在,但它目前还是过大。A functioning prototype of the wristband technology exists, but it's still too bulky.

然后他的袖口突然闪现,而且他们俩都在对警报的反应方面冻结。Then his wristband suddenly flashed, and they both froze in the reaction to the alarm.

你必须有他们的大橙色一杯为使腕带笔芯是任何使用。You have to have a big orange cup for them to refill in order for the wristband to be any use.

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佩戴这种腕带代表向与癌症病魔作战的人表示支持,也代表向被癌症夺去生命的亲友致敬。Wearing the wristband shows support for people batting cancer or honours someone you have lost to cancer.

这种表带距离变成现实越来越近,但是即使有了它,你仍需要掏出手机,才能查看相关信息。The wristband was getting close, but you still had to take out your cell phone to look at the information.

手腕拨浪鼓玩具是一种白色塑料腕带玩具六多彩球小铃铛内。The wrist rattle toy is a white plastic wristband toy with six multi-colored balls with small bells inside.

在豚狼的尸体上,他们发现了杰里米特和卡特琳手腕上的生命监测器。On the carcass of the borra, they discovered the wristband life monitors belonging to Jeremitt and Catarine.

一个有感知力的表带能自动探测疾病或是老年居住者的心脏问题,并发出警报。A sensing wristband automatically detects a fall or heart problems in an elderly occupant and can send an alert.

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使他认清裂缝,他在他的脸之前带了他的手腕看见在他的袖口上的轻闪烁。Opening his eyes to slits, he brought his wrist in front of his face to see the light flashing on his wristband.

现在英国的智能环境公司已经推出了一款能够绑定手环和银行账户的软件。Now British firm Intelligent Environments has launched software that can link the wristband to people's bank accounts.

哈里斯将车停在了一边,他在亚历克西斯身体上方挥动一个信号探测器,找到了在他的护腕上有一个追踪装置。After he pulls away Harris waves a signal detector over Alexis’ body and produces a tracking device on the hospital wristband.

一旦他们到达时,他们得到一个坚固的手环,显示他们已经支付了所有的食物和饮料,这样他们就不用带钱。Once they arrive, they get a tough wristband that shows they have already paid for their food and drink, so they don't need to carry money.

他合上了书,重复念着最后的一节,同时拿出一把粗制的尖刀,将刀刃插入表带之下,用袖子遮盖住。He closes the book, repeating the last passage and reveals a crude shiv. He slips the blade under his wristband and covers it with his sleeve.

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门票持有者将收到独一无二的密码和关于如何在星期一领取门票的说明,同时,他们还将收到在葬礼那天戴在手腕上的护腕。Ticket holders will receive a unique code and instructions on how to pick up their tickets on Monday, where they will also receive a wristband that will be placed on their wrist at the time.

该活动由联合国儿童基金会组织发起,每位参与者都得到一个标明号码的腕带,以及一件证明其参与该活动的T恤衫。The event was organized by the United Nations' children's agencyUNICEF which gave each participant a wristband with his or hernumber in the line and T-shirt certifying participation in theevent.

该勾当由连系国儿童基金会组织提倡,每位参加者都获得一个标明号码的腕带,以及一件证明其参加该勾当的T恤衫。The event was organized by the United Nations' children's agency UNICEF which gave each participant a wristband with his or her number in the line and T-shirt certifying participation in the event.