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她是个拜金女。She is a material girl.

这块料子是麻的。This material is linen.

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强大的选材需求。Great demand of material.

这种料子很耐洗。This material washes well.

我们不对消息材料做审查。We do not censor material.

这种料子缩水吗?Will this material shrink?

面料和手工都很好!Good material and handwork!

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这种材料会褪色吗?Is this material colorfast?

这质地是纯毛的吗?Is this material pure wool?

公司位于上海市虹口区。Shanghai Yitai Material Co.

这种布料已穿薄了。The material has worn thin.

这种材料是防火的。The material is fire-proof.

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在物资分配模型方面。The model of Alot Material.

这种材料很容易磨损。This material frays easily.

激光辅材在哪里?Where’s the laser material?

原料中微尘含量过多。High micro dust in material.

喂入原料杂质过高。High trash in feed material.

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粉体物料制粒。Powder material granulating.

这种料子撕不破。This material does not tear.

这种料子不会打皱的。This material doesn't crush.