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任何用户可以个性化卡。User can personalise any card.

他们喜欢定制化和个性化。They love to customise and personalise.

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作为情感丰富的人类,我们不自觉地要使生活的方方面面人性化。As emotional human beings, we feel a compulsion to personalise most aspects of life.

个性化与您的朋友和家人的故事,让伟大的礼物建议。Personalise the story with your friends and family to get great gift recommendations.

在开始写信时,尽可能找出收信人的信息。When you start the letter, try to personalise it by finding out the name of the person to write to.

我们的客户定制内部设计师可以使用刺绣和镶嵌工艺来使车的内部个性化。Our Bespoke interior designers can also use embroidery and marquetry to personalise the inside of the car.

他的观察与英国课堂的趋势一致,就是缩减传统教育,开始个性化的学习。His observations chime with a trend in British classrooms to cut back on traditional teaching and to personalise learning.

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你能很早就开始汲取你在巴西柔术里能学到的所有知识,这样以后你就能运用更多的技术来形成一个属于自己的风格。You soak up all the knowledge you can get so you can have the tools to personalise your game later on in your jiujitsu early.

纽曼先生说,“但有多少人会对黑色的保护套满意,有多少人想让他们的保护套有个性,这将会是个问题。”But it will be a question of how many people are satisfied with a black bumper on their phone versus how many people want to personalise it.

当你注册后,你就会领养一直动画企鹅,与朋友聊天,玩游戏,探索,收集硬币,甚至个性化你自己的圆顶冰屋。When you sign up, you adopt an animated penguin to chat to friends, play games, explore, collect coins and even personalise your very own igloo.

他说,Google最新重发布的iGoogle服务,它的主要特性是能够让用户自定义他们自己的Google搜索页面并发布他们自己的内容。He said Google’s newly relaunched iGoogle service, which allows users to personalise their own Google search page and publish their own content, would be a key feature.

这项新服务的核心,可以让人们将其旅游体验个性化、发布和分享评论以及通过元搜索界面进行预订等。At the heart of the new service is a website that will allow people to personalise their experiences, post and share reviews and transact through a metasearch interface, among other things.

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而对于网站来说,它们也可以从中得到好处——针对你的需求和品位,相应调整价格和广告策略,进而引诱你去点击购买。From the website's point of view, the advantage is that it can also personalise its prices and advertising to try to suit your needs and tastes, and increase your propensity to click and buy.

服务供应商具备丰富的市场知识,并不断地开发盈利项目,使得印刷客户可以更加个性化,其与顾客的沟通也更有效。The market knowledge of service providers and their willingness to keep on developing new portfolio elements allow clients to increasingly personalise and improve their communications with customers.