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一伏米。A volt meter.

发动机米米的。Engine meter meter.

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膜式燃气表。Diaphragm Gas Meter.

这是二拍子的So it's duple meter.

找一个停车计费器。Find a parking meter.

煤气表的读数是五十。The gas meter reads 50.

为什么?计价器上是20元。Why? The meter says 20.

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计价器显示金额为28元。The meter reads 28 yuan.

半米至两米。Half meter to two meters.

这就是一种电压表。Here was a voltage meter.

这个玻璃缸有15公尺高。The tank is 15 meter tall.

我的计价器上显示的是45元。It is 45 yuan on the meter.

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车内有计价器吗?。Is there a meter in the car?

煤气表上的读数是多少?What does the gas meter read?

他在百米赛跑中领先。He led in the 100, meter race.

这就是我最简单的湿度计了。This is my simple moist meter.

这首曲子用的什么拍子呢What's the meter of this piece?

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我需要零钱投停车记时器。I need it for the parking meter.

一纳米是十亿分之一米。One NM is one-1 billionth meter.

黄老鞋有一米多高。YOS is more than one meter tall.