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不要使传奇地说这个没有兴趣而且艰苦的工作!Don't romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!

“跳读”,指忽略不需要的部分或章节而看。He skipped some uninteresting chapters of the book.

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这一部分的确很无趣,但是这是怎么做到的呢?That part is uninteresting but how is it doing this?

这本书用些无趣的描写拉得太长。The book was padded out with uninteresting descriptions.

我会把这个删了,这些东西一点也不好玩。I'll get rid of this which is just an uninteresting thing.

之前讲的有点乏味,但是,高潮就要来了。But, uninteresting for now but a teaser of details to come.

我不想你浪费时间来听我的无聊故事。I don't want to take up your time with my uninteresting story.

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我觉得做垃圾站吧,赚点小钱,没意思。I feel to do rubbish to stand, gain bit of penny, uninteresting.

先生,这就是我所能告诉您的一切,您瞧,对这些事您不会感兴趣的。This, sir, is all I can tell you, and you see how uninteresting it is.

任何人出去转一圈都能拍几千张乏味的照片回来。Anyone can go out and take thousands of uninteresting landscape photos.

皮特声称他并没有说他和安妮斯顿的婚姻是无趣的。Brad’s still claiming he didn’t call his marriage to Jen uninteresting.

但是对于鲍勃•萨格来说,这样获得消息太没意思了。But for Bob Sugg , that was too uninteresting a way of learning the new.

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但对于鲍勃·萨格来说,这样获得消息太没意思了。But for Bob Sugg , that was too uninteresting a way of learning the news.

但是,笔画路径一般只能产生不怎么有趣的线条图。But path stroking generally produces line drawings that are uninteresting.

一群无趣的捞名捞利的吸血的瘙子。A group of uninteresting people fishing fishing profits vampire son of the SA.

画面结构松散,杂乱无疏密之分,则会令人感到索然无味。Frame structure, loose, messy no density of points, will be very uninteresting.

一位年轻的女士认为她的无聊是源自于令人无趣的社交生活。One young woman believed her boredom stemmed from an uninteresting social life.

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如果,你希望根据这些信息来排除这些问题。You will want to apply some postprocessing to eliminate uninteresting information.

从未有过这样的感觉,走在熟悉的大街上,但是却再也提不起兴趣。Never had such a feeling of walking on the street in a familiar, but never uninteresting.

最明显的回答———”我不想死”——并不能让人满意也没有新闻价值。The obvious answer -- “I didn’t die” -- is unsatisfying and journalistically uninteresting.