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伯特伦夫人的态度有所不同。Lady Bertram took it differently.

这时伯特伦夫人话还真多。Lady Bertram was quite talkative.

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伯特伦夫人似乎很愿意等待。Lady Bertram seemed quite resigned to waiting.

实在遗憾,伯特伦·奥斯汀现在正打电话呢。What a pity Bertram Austin's on the line just now.

她两岁大的哥哥Bertram和妈妈Georgette也幸免于难。Her 2-year-old brother Bertram and her mother Georgette also survived.

是我姐姐和伯特伦先生——我很高兴你大表哥走了,埃德蒙又可以做伯特伦先生了①。Bertram. I am so glad your eldest cousin is gone, that he may be Mr. Bertram again.

和两个姐姐相比,普莱斯太太并不怎么像诺里斯太太,而更像伯特伦夫人。Of her two sisters, Mrs. Price very much more resembled Lady Bertram than Mrs. Norris.

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因为他们讲赫勒拿设想的计划,她希望能获得她的手贝塔姆。As they speak Helena conceives a plan that she hopes will gain her the hand of Bertram.

贝塔姆同意是一个很好的丈夫给她,和人们普遍感到高兴。Chastened, Bertram consents to be a good husband to her, and there is general rejoicing.

这时,伯特伦姨妈已经异常清醒了,不由得想起了范妮。Her aunt Bertram had recollected her on this occasion with an unusual degree of wakefulness.

埃德蒙·伯特伦先生听起来太刻板、太可怜、太像个小儿子的名字,我不喜欢这样叫。There is something in the sound of Mr. _Edmund_ Bertram so formal, so pitiful, so younger-brother-like, that I detest it.

格兰特太太主动提出,到那天由她代替埃德蒙来陪伴伯特伦夫人,格兰特先生来和她们共进晚餐。Grant offered herself as companion for the day to Lady Bertram in lieu of her son, and Dr. Grant was to join them at dinner.

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托马斯爵士向她表示关怀,替她出主意,伯特伦夫人给她寄钱跟婴儿穿的衣服,诺里斯夫人则负责写信。Sir Thomas sent friendly advice and professions, Lady Bertram dispatched money and baby-linen, and Mrs. Norris wrote the letters.

“那些以身作则向人们表明女性应该怎样待人接物的人,”伯特伦先生阿谀逢迎地说,“对于纠正她们的错误起着巨大的作用。”"Those who are showing the world what female manners _should_ be, " said Mr. Bertram gallantly, "are doing a great deal to set them right. "

这栋出自建筑师拜泰姆·格罗夫纳·古德修之手的建筑于1926年落成,屋顶布满了马赛克拼成的太阳装饰图案,顶端有一个艺术家李·劳瑞设计的手持金色火炬雕像。Dedicated in 1926 and designed by architect Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue, the tiled sun patterns are topped by a sculpture, by artist Lee Lawrie, of a hand holding a golden torch.