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我不信上帝。I disbelieve in God.

我不相信幽浮。I disbelieve in UFOs.

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你说的我一句都不信。I disbelieve every word you say.

我们没有理由不信任他。We have no reason to disbelieve him.

可是,现在你又对我心怀疑虑,你们凡人就是这样反复无常啊!But now you disbelieve me. So you men often blow hot and cold.

这是一个很庸俗的结论,然而我无法使自己怀疑它。This is a humble conclusion, but I cannot make myself disbelieve it.

另一种说法,学会怀疑他人的观点。In another word , study disbelieve the viewpoint of other per people.

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不然的话,连亚伯拉罕和撒拉也有拦阻上帝旨意的可能。Even Abraham and Sarah could have blocked God's plan if they had continued to disbelieve.

我没有理由不相信他。他那温和却又沙哑的低语当然没有那么令人愉快。I had no reason to disbelieve him. His mildly hoarse whisper was certainly not comforting.

这可能意味的是你现在不相信,直到有了证据和理由让你相信。It could mean that you simply disbelieve until you have the evidence and reason to believe.

你可以赞美他们,摘引他们,反对他们,质疑他们,颂扬或是诋毁他们。You can praise them, quote them, disagree with them disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.

既然我根本不相信爱,就说明我心里的那个爱的定义是根本不存在的。Now that I disbelieve love, my definition about love does not exist in my heart, which is merely my imagination, my utopia.

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虽然,我的拉丁文老师从来不曾拿他的理论来为难我,然而,今天我不能不相信它。Though my Latin tutor had never ventured to trouble me with the proofs of his theory, yet up to this day I do not disbelieve it.

就像那些幻象的捍卫理论湮灭了我自己的观察,他们要我不要相信自己的感觉和情感。Just like people whose fantasy defenses were threatened by my own observations were shouting me down, telling me to disbelieve my own senses and feelings.

我喜欢努力后自信的感觉,它可以让我在失败的时候从不怀疑自己的实力。And singing is just like my knowing smile. I like the feeling of confidence which comes with effort, it makes me never disbelieve my own potency even when I am down.

就算你可能不相信你周围发生的事情,它们也不可能消失,并且你的“周围”是比从前任何时候都要大的一个范围。While you may want to disbelieve what's happening around you, that won't make it go away, and what's “around you” is now a much larger sphere than it ever was before.

总之,杨简对四书的阐释充分体现了他敢于怀疑、勇于创新的精神,由此形成了一种心学视域下的四书学思想体系。In a word, Yang Jian's elucidations of Si-Shu made clear that he was dare to disbelieve and brave in innovate, and formed a Si-Shu-Xue thought system in view of Xin-Xue.

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阿德里安说,“如果有人不相信他们所看到的,那么就达到了我创作艺术的目的,艺术就是要给人一种奇迹和魔力的感觉,而现在很多当代艺术都已经丧失了这种感觉。”If people disbelieve what they are seeing, it means I have achieved my aim of creating art that has a sense of wonder and magic, which I think a lot of contemporary art nowadays is lacking.

一旦当“我不值得”的这段故事嵌入某人的思维中,它将很难再去被怀疑,尤其当我们找到证据证明它的时候。Once a narrative of worthlessness embeds itself in one's mind, it becomes extraordinarily difficult to disbelieve it, especially when one can find evidence that it represents a true account.