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考虑现实。Take it into consideration.

恩慈是体恤的爱。Kindness is love's consideration.

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这件事正在考虑中。The matter is under consideration.

我们要求你方速予考虑。We request your prompt consideration.

至少你考虑了一下他的请求。At least you gave it some consideration.

你所说的事兴目前考虑中的问题无关。The question is now under consideration.

——必须坚持统筹兼顾。We must persist in overall consideration.

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约翰对珍妮特体贴入微。John showed great consideration for Janet.

你的建议值得我们考虑。Your suggestion merited our consideration.

但是,应该考虑故障转移。However failover should be a consideration.

还有许多需要酌量的事务。There are things to take into consideration.

因为的温柔体贴。Because of your gentleness and consideration.

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他把这个意见暂时搁置,等待以后再进一步考虑。He set the idea by for further consideration.

把健康置于其他所有需要考虑的事情之上。Place health above every other consideration.

你对一个怀孕的妇人也体贴备至。You show consideration for a pregnant �woman.

我们要考虑很多问题,there would have to be a lot of consideration

他对男孩很温和,体谅尊重。He treated the boy gently, with consideration.

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一个考虑因素是页的利用率。One consideration is the utilization of pages.

双价可定义为相互的承诺。Consideration can be defined as mutual promises.

她的私心杂念重。She has a strong sense of selfish consideration.