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商洽联络作用。Negotiate liaison role.

我可以帮您讨价。I can negotiate for you.

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争取更低的银行费用。Negotiate lower bank fees.

让我们永不因畏惧而谈判。Let us never negotiate out of fear.

和尤文谈判太不容易。It's not easy to negotiate with Juve.

自那以后,昆州同意协商河水提取量的封顶值。It has since agreed to negotiate a cap.

世界杯期间俱乐部会谈判吗?Do clubs negotiate during the World Cup?

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他派奥尔洛夫王子去会谈。He is sending Prince Orlov to negotiate.

斯阳珠饰欢迎您与我们洽谈。Siyan Pearl Ornament welcome to negotiate.

国会议员目前将就最终法案进行协商。Conferees will now negotiate a final version.

你是怎么谈成那笔有利可图的交易的?。How did you negotiate the deal on the benefit?

代表ICD和客户进行谈判和签署合同。Negotiate and sign contracts on behalf of ICD.

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杜特尔特显然不懂得如何谈判。Duterte clearly does not know how to negotiate.

攀登者必须攀越陡峭的岩壁。The climbers had to negotiate a steep rock face.

就让李昌、王治文他们几个人去谈去了。Then, Li Chang and Wang Zhiwen went to negotiate.

还是跟这些野蛮人谈判吧!Lets negotiate with these barbarians PTI and PMLN.

接着就可以处于有利的地位进行协商。Then it can negotiate from a position of strength.

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不过,我希望先商谈关于价钱的问题。However,we would like to negotiate the price first.

与同行者商量,包括孩子。Negotiate with fellow travelers, including the kids.

当然,当他们买车时,他们还是会协商价格的。Of course, when they buy a car, they will negotiate.