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是卡斯特罗区。it's the Castro neighborhood.

不要在这附近逗留。Don't go in this neighborhood.

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这个小区就像一个迷宫。This neighborhood is like a maze.

我们住在同一个小区。We lived in the same neighborhood.

这也要视其周围社区而定。And it depends on the neighborhood.

他以前曾跟我是邻居。He used to live in my neighborhood.

社区的路很安全。The neighborhood road is very safe.

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我喜欢这儿的周围邻里。I love the neighborhood around here.

我们的周围以前很平列。Our neighborhood used to very quiet.

谁在这个地区有利害关系?Who has a stake in the neighborhood?

钟塔附近没有神秘的事了。There was in Bell Tower neighborhood.

从老街坊那儿搬了出来。I moved away from the old neighborhood.

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我们这个地区将要“铺设”煤气管。Our neighborhood will be piped for gas.

街访都谈论这事。The whole neighborhood talked about it.

噪声闹得整个街坊四邻心烦意乱。The noise upset the entire neighborhood.

附近有一个投币式公用电话。There is a pay phone in the neighborhood.

我就在附近,所以我想我该帮把手。They know me. I live in the neighborhood.

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我的住宅区离朝阳区很近。My neighborhood is near Chaoyang district.

钟塔附近不再有神秘的事了。No more mystery in Bell Tower neighborhood.

她在附近地区开了一家小吃店。She opened a snack bar in the neighborhood.