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一套瓷器。A set of chinaware.

我在找瓷器区。I'm looking for chinaware.

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这是最好的醴陵瓷器。They are the best Lilin chinaware.

还有他们喝茶用的瓷器呢?How about the CHINAware they drink with?

最后他在一个瓷器店找到了一个工作。At last he found a job in a chinaware house.

多漂亮的瓷器啊!真是太感谢了。How beautiful the chinaware is! Thanks a lot.

金德泰陶瓷是一家规模较大的私营独资企业。Jindetai Chinaware is a large-scale private-owned enterprise.

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这是为王子婚礼制作的瓷器样品。This is a sample of the chinaware made for the Prince's wedding.

我觉得这条桌巾跟那种瓷器很搭配。It seems to me that tablecloth goes well with that kind of chinaware.

保证开餐时有足够的杯子和瓷器。Ensure a sufficient supply of all glassware and chinaware for service.

你说对了。我们的瓷器因其质量好和独特的花色闻名。You're right. Our chinaware is famous for its quality and unique patterns.

我们大家都知道你是个笨手笨脚的人,所以,请你不要碰我的瓷器。All of us know you are such a butterfingers, so please don't touch my chinaware.

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中国国际贸易促进委员会向我们推荐说你们是中国瓷器的潜在买主。You have been recommended by the CCPIT as a potential buyer of Chinese chinaware.

包管开餐时有充足的餐具,杯子和瓷器。Ensure a sufficient supply of all silverware, glassware and Chinaware for service.

瓷器展销会上,色泽鲜明的各种瓷器用品,十分耀眼。At the chinaware fair, various Bright and lustrous porcelain articles are dazzling.

但是,我们大家都知道你是个笨手笨脚的人,所以,请你不要碰我的瓷器。But all of us know you are such a butterfingers, so please don't touch my chinaware.

你无法想象,这个其貌不扬的女子竟搜集了一套精致的瓷器。You can't imagine that this plain woman has a fine collection of exquisite chinaware.

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用精致的陶瓷器钧窑瓷器制作的曾只供皇家使用。Jun porcelain was first made as precious chinaware for the use of the royal family only.

它由24个构件组成,是汝窑瓷器中结构最为复杂的造型。It is composed of 24 components, is in your kiln chinaware the structure most complex modelling.

从去年年底接收订单开始,目前已经有4.5万件陶瓷制品送到英国了。Having received the order at the end of last year, 45 thousand chinaware pieces have so far been sent to Britain.