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维金以及掠夺者是我最喜欢的人族单位。This and the Marauder are my new favorite Terran units.

邪术巨人讲深渊语、通用语、巨人语和土族语。Eldritch giants speak Abyssal, Common, Giant, and Terran.

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从某种角度而言,她比斯科特更像一个地球人。In a certain sense she seemed more the Terran than Scott.

为什么神族玩家在面对人族全家老小一波流的时候要扩张开二矿?Why does a Protoss player take an expo against a Terran All-In?

贝拉站在那里,肌腱分明的右手握着一部人类的大书。Bela stood there, with a large Terran book in her sinewy right hand.

感应塔是目前人族防御或进攻的必备工具。Sensor Towers are currently a staple to any Terran defense or offensive.

人族指挥官现在训练他们的军队观察这些恶劣的生物。Terran commanders now train their troops to watch for these abominations.

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在这张截图中我们可以清楚地看到并了解到人族雄伟的感觉。In Blink Assault you can clearly see and feel the new sense of Terran grittiness.

这时,一小队的陆战队对盘据在人的总称基地外的一些蟑螂展开攻击。Meanwhile a group of marines takes on some roaches camped outside the Terran base.

当人族部队抵达观察塔平台时,整只人族部队都被毒蛉干掉。Once pinned into the tower platform, the entire Terran force is wiped out by banelings.

人族的部队有很多强有力的防御优势,确保利用好所有的优势The Terran forces have many powerful defensive advantages. Be sure to make use of them all.

若干狂热者与两个巨像的进攻,迫使地图中央的剩余人类部队选择了撤退。Zealots and a pair of colossus force the remaining terran infantry in the middle to retreat.

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人类混合编制了步兵和地狱战车,准备朝地图中央区域的神族部队推进。Terran infantry and hellions make a push against the protoss position in the middle of the map.

他们有很明显的种族“味道”,很明显地和人族或神族区别开来。They have a very distinct racial "flavor" and are clearly separate from that of Terran and Protoss.

直至人族联合西域妖族,将魔族驱赶到极地草原,方始承平。Until the Terran United western beastkin, will drive to the polar Mozu grassland, only the pacific.

大票人族掠夺者和恶徒杀进神族分矿,轻易击溃了那里的防御。Terran marauders and hellions flood into the protoss expansion, easily cutting through the defenses.

隐匿的女妖轰炸机消灭了巨像,并配合地面部队消灭了神族地面部队。The banshees cloak and attack the colossi as the terran ground forces decimate the protoss infantry.

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尽管存在理论上的完美反击,神族任然需要依赖人族的进攻失误。Even with a perfect counter in theory, protoss still relies on terran to make a mistake in attacking.

虽然劫掠者风筝掉了第一波防守力量,但是通过跃迁增援而来的星灵部队抵挡住了人类的反扑。The marauders kite the first wave of defenders away but newly-warped-in units finish off the terran attack.

地球共和国MAX列装的巨型转管机关枪非常擅长在近距离扫荡大量的敌方步兵目标。The Terran Republic has gigantic chain guns particularly good against large numbers of very close-range targets.