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躯干保持向上。Keep your torso upright.

一部分被放入Jones的身体。One part gets put into Jones' torso.

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一部分被放入Smith的身体。One part gets put into Smith's torso.

伸展上身向前,双手落于地板。Stretch torso forward, put hands on floor.

用髋部和躯干发力,用双肩还原为手臂追加速度。Power is generated from the hips and torso.

固定肩胛骨、骶骨相对于身体后侧的位置。Firm the scapulas and sacrum against the back torso.

褶饰杯和躯干提供一个讨人喜欢的契合。Ruching on the cups and torso offers a flattering fit.

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但是,激光剑和身体上刺出的洞并不适合小女孩儿。Laser beams and holes in the torso didn't quite cut it.

走近后,我辨认出一个女人血淋淋的躯干。As I got closer, I could make out a woman's bloody torso.

这个体式会引起上侧躯干轻微的背屈。This asana creates a slight backbend in your upper torso.

他汗流如注,背心全贴在身上了。He was dripping with sweat, his vest sticking to his torso.

把上半身和腿同时抬起,但不要弯曲膝盖。Simultaneously raise legs and torso. Don't bend your knees!

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还有的就是,的躯体,Jones',torso。,还有Smith的躯体。Over here we've got Jones And over here we've got Smith's torso.

这个残缺不全的作品和腿上有多处刻痕,很明显是来自于鞭打。Scores of times on his torso and legs, apparently from scourging.

她身体的其他部分如躯干和头部则相应地下沉一点。The rest of her body-her torso and her head-respond by sinking a bit.

人体的骨骼分为颅骨、躯干骨、四肢骨三部分。Human bones divided into skull, torso bone, four bridging three parts.

在您的胸腔的焦点,正如你开始在进出你的胸部和躯干持久性有机污染物。Focus on your ribcage as you begin your in and out chest and torso pops.

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壶铃,肘,以及躯干需要在翻动作顶端保持处于同一连线上。The kettlebell, the elbow, and the torso link up at the top of the clean.

即使在这个过渡体式中,在你的骨盆和躯干检查山式的要求。Even in this transitional posture, seek Tadasana in your pelvis and torso.

躯干延伸帮你冷静下来后,一个足球淡季锻炼。Torso stretches help you to cool down after a football off-season workout.