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带回888号监狱去。Back to 888.

噢,我的背。Oh, my back.

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备份文件。Back up files.

搓搓背。Rub your back.

后面那位同学。Yeah, in back.

弓起她的背。Archs her back.

他也吼了起来。He yelled back.

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我怒视回去。I scowled back.

我把它拿回来。I take it back.

把话筒给这里的人Mike back here.

我的背部发痒。My back itches.

请回去。Please go back.

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回到现实中来。Back to reality.

我回到了酒吧里。Back to the bar.

我赶快回头。I hastened back.

回带插图。Inset back belt.

这是脑后部分That's the back.

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后退按钮?The back button?

不要走回头路。Do not turn back.

食物的反击!Food fights back.