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尼尔森和我只是想搞定这件事情而已,对吧,尼尔森?Don Nelson and I just turned this thing around, didn't we, Nellie?Nellie?

那时硬性规定国外来的医生都要见习一个月。It was then made compulsory for doctors from over-seas to sit by Nellie for a month.

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要是我是你,我就不会去告诉内莉我看见她丈夫和另一个女人一起吃午饭的事。If I were you, I would not tell Nellie I saw her husband having lunch with another woman.

如果我是你,我才不会告诉内莉你看见她丈夫和另外一个女人一起吃午饭。If I were you, I would not tell Nellie you saw her husband having lunch with another woman.

我要是你的话,就不会去告诉内利你看到她丈夫和另一个女人一起吃午饭的事。If I were you , I would not tell Nellie you saw her husband having lunch with another women.

已经发挥了他的所有潜力。现在就是看他在一个更加传统的进攻体系中能做些什么。Reached his full potential under Nellie. Now to see what he'll do back in a more traditional offense.

妮利结过两次婚,第一次嫁给了一个风流的外交官,外交官死后给他留下了大笔财富,使她成为一个有钱的女人。Nellie was married twice, the first time to a dissolute diplomat whose death left her a wealthy woman.

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在美国肯尼迪总统于达拉斯遇刺四十年后,幸存者奈丽·康娜利回忆肯尼迪和她丈夫遇刺当天的情形。Nellie Connally, 40 years after shots in Dallas, recalling the day President Kennedy and her husband, John, were shot.

最初,刘玉玲只是给一个叫内尔的角色配音,由于制片人太喜欢刘玉玲,他专门为刘玉玲创造了一个叫吴玲的角色。Initially Liu read for the role of Nellie but the producer liked Liu so much that he developed the character of Ling Woo especially for the Lucy.

假如我是你的话,我就不会告诉内丽说你看到她的丈夫和另一个女人一起吃饭。因为他们也话是清白的,所以你还是不要多管闲事了吧。If I were you, I would not tell Nellie you saw her husband having lunch with another woman. They might have been perfectly innocent, so you'd let sleeping dogs lie.

对于像女高音歌唱家内莉•梅尔巴夫人和喜剧演员“埃德娜•埃弗瑞奇”来说,以及像“男子汉”乐队和“小河”乐队之类的乐队而言,墨尔本也是促进典型的非欧洲文化的活动中心。It is also home to such quintessentially non-european cultural advances as dame nellie melba and "edna everage" and bands such as men at work and the little river band.

沃利斯是英国皇家空军中校,现已退休,曾在2002年驾驶自己的旋翼飞机以每小时129.1英里的速度成为世界之最。The retired RAF wing commander, who flew Little Nellie in the 1967 James Bond film You Only Live Twice, set the world speed record in 2002 when his autogiro reached 129.1 mph.