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越老越聪明。Older and wiser.

他的长姐。His older sister.

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他是一个年龄要大些的人。He was an older man.

我比裕太大。I am older than Yutai.

鲍勃和安年长一点。Bob and Ann were older.

他现在看上去老多了。He looks much older now.

N'deh比杰克大很多。N'deh is older than Josh.

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脱衣舞女的岁数都大了。The strippers were older.

哦,这是一个老牌子。Oh, so it's an older make.

不,他是个老队员了。Yes, he is an older cager.

你大还是李磊大?Are you older or is Li Lei?

古典音乐的听众年纪可能大一些。it could be older audience.

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接下来是较老的一代。Next is the older generation.

她很显老。She looks older than her age.

较大的女孩吓唬她。The older girl buffaloed her.

我们随着年龄的增长而变得聪明起来。We get wiser as we get older.

我喜欢年纪大点儿的这个。这个。I like the older one.This one.

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对的,他们年长一些。That's right. They were older.

他比你年长,也比你更睿智。He is older and wiser than you.

旧的HDTV也有DVI接口。Older HDTVs have DVI ports too.