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然后运行一个孩子到璃茉和拥抱她。A kid then runs up to Rima and hugs her.

当他走时,他看到璃茉卷曲成一个球。As he walks he spots Rima curl up in a ball.

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璃茉然后和睡著了的孩子回来。Rima then comes back, with the kid who now fallen asleep.

即使只是一个笑话,还是令她蜷缩成一个球。Even makes a joke of how round Rima was when she curl into a ball.

这个章节由璃茉和他的父母讨论离婚开始。The chapter begins with Rima and her parents discussing a divorce.

他明白她的意思,并很快变成抚子,和璃茉一起走。He understands, and soon goes change to Nadeshiko, who Rima glomps.

然后璃茉决定叫她的'仆人',协助搜寻。Rima then decides to call for her 'servants' to help with the search.

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三行体被编写为,“预言”因为“,这是但丁遗留下来的传统。Terza rima is coded "prophecy" because it is in the tradition of Dante.

在这之后,璃茉再没有微笑,并开始讨厌别人说她可爱。After this had happen, Rima could no longer smile, and began to hate being call cute.

嘻嘻觉得璃茉讨厌别人说她可爱但她要让人发笑。Kusukusu comments that Rima dislike being call cute and that she wants to make people laugh.

风彦说这很可爱,相比起来两人都在跟自己说谎。Nagihiko comments on this as cute, and compares that both him and Rima are liars to themselves.

凪回答璃茉说她无法改变父母最后的决定,但她可以改变她自己的故事。Nagi replys that Rima couldn't change the end of parents' decision, but that she can change her own story.

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莉玛·法吉,是一位黎巴嫩移平易近,她在经过泳装、晚号衣以及访问交谈项目后博患了此次选美比赛。Rima Fakih, a Lebanese immigrant, won the pageant after swimsuit, evening gown and interview competitions.

震中位于上拉秀乡日麻村,距离州府结古镇以西约50公里,震源深度33公里。The epicenter is at Rima Village in Shanglaxiu Township, about 50 km west of Jiegu, government seat of Yushu.

这张高清晰的月球阿丽阿黛月溪斜视图是由阿波罗10号飞船于1969年5月拍摄的。This high forward oblique view of Rima Ariadaeus on the moon was photographed by the Apollo 10 crew in May 1969.

她说,玛批评是艰难的,而且她还记得美国总统奥巴马持久的类似言论,因为他的穆斯林遗产。She says the criticism of Rima is tough, and she remembers U. S. President Barack Obama enduring similar remarks, due to his Muslim heritage.

以同样的手法,莉玛秘密的调查教母的家,寻找线索,寻找着除了蒙尘的书迷来信和小玩意的其它东西。In the same way, Rima stealthily investigates her godmother’s home, searching for clues, finding little more than dusty fan mail and trinkets.

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这是弥尔顿所钟爱的所有伟大的意大利浪漫诗人,例如阿里奥斯多和塔索,曾经用过的体裁。It's the ottava rima in which all of the great Italian romance epics by poets -- favorite poets of Milton's like Ariosto and Tasso -- had been written.

这是一个的确曾被无数次提到的观点,并且我也认为这个观点确实有一定道理,利西达斯的最后8行是以一种非常特殊的体裁写的,即意大利式的八行诗。In fact, this is an argument that's been made a number of times, and I think there's a lot of sense to it -the last eight lines of Lycidas are written in a very specific line form the Italian scheme of the ottava rima.