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配备排水槽。Equipped with tank drain.

鞋尖处配有保护钢板。Equipped with a steel tip.

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这所学校设备简陋。The school is poorly equipped.

这支部队装备很差。The army is very poorly equipped.

本船配备有陀螺罗经。She is equipped with a gyrocompass.

本船配有电子海图显示与信息系统。The ship is equipped with an ECDIS.

即使要分,他们都装备为什么呢?Even to sub, they were equipped Why?

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他为这次旅行准备了行装。He equipped himself for the journey.

还有一个设备齐全的阅读室。There is also a reading room equipped.

它甚至装备了摄像机。It is even equipped with a film-camera.

防爆平台灯适用范围同相应的配装灯具。Can be us in zone same as equipped lamp.

她装备齐全准备登山。She was fully equipped for the climbing.

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我们的每个地铁站都配备有电梯。Each station is equipped with escalators.

这架照相讥装有一只电眼。This camera is equipped with a magic eye.

可配装除静电装置。Equipped with the device to remove static.

这架相机装有快门自动定时装置吗?Is this camera equipped with a self-timer?

骨架中配以橡胶压条。Rubber trim strip is equipped in the bone.

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配备有多刀架的数控铣床。CNC mill equipped with a multi-tool holder.

一个灯器内装有三根灯管。A lamp machine is equipped with three lamps.

配备有单刀夹持器的数控铣床。CNC mill equipped with a single-tool holder.