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噢,玛丽,你穿着这件小睡衣简直太迷人了!Oh, Mary, you look ravishing in that skimpy negligee !

她穿着定制的合身外套和有菱形花纹的袜子,看上去美极了。She was ravishing in her tailored jackets and argyle socks.

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那天晚上玛尼娅和海拉想打扮得特别漂亮。Manya and Hela wanted to be especially ravishing that night.

在一节列车车厢内,坐着3个男人和一个迷人的年轻女孩。In a train compartment, there are 3 men and a ravishing young girl.

任何男人都会流着哈喇子称赞我的女人都是那么令人销魂。Any man would have slobberingly agreed that my women were ravishing.

一个毋须过多装饰的迷人女子,只需要这样一条传统的礼服。It was just a very traditional dress for a ravishing girl who doesn’t need a lot.

今天的帖子里,我们汇编了一些极其迷人的具有建筑风格的“巢穴”范例。In today’s post we have compiled some examples of ravishing architectural “Nests”.

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美狄亚,希腊神话中性感美艳的女巫,走进皇庭。Medea, the sensual and ravishing sorceress of Greek mythology, enters the royal chambers.

她美得令人销魂,比我想象的还要性感,整个会见过程我裤子里像着了火。Shes ravishing and more sexual than I had imagined. During interview my pants caught fire.

在场的所有漂亮姑娘中,你的美貌最为光彩夺目,你让在下倍感荣幸。Of all the lovely ladies here, you are the most ravishing beauty to ever grace my presence.

看秦朝那愤世嫉俗地样子,艾晓雪嘴角的笑容更迷人了。See Qin Dynasty, that appearance, the smiling face of the moxa Xiao snow edge of mouth is more ravishing.

要把醉人巴黎市全景尽览无遗,艾菲尔铁塔的瞭望台是上佳之地。The observatory of the Eiffel Tower is a good vantage point to get a panoramic view of the ravishing Paris.

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也有很多人都想混过去,不愿承担太多责任,也不想放下那些夜晚有夜店噪音相伴恣意狂欢的日子。Many try to finagle through, avoiding more responsibilities, yet still taking a claim to those ravishing days of club noise.

娜塔利·伍德饰演的是一名穷困的波多黎各人,住在镇上的贫民区,但她依然穿着迷人的“新风貌”服装,以及与之相配的漂亮鞋子。Puerto Rican on the wrong side of town, but still gets to wear ravishing New Look silhouettes with beautifully matching shoes.

每次上校在车站见到比克斯比夫人都会从宽敞的轿车里这样打招呼。‘我亲爱的,我记不清你的容貌到底有多迷人。The Colonel would cry each time he met her at the station in the big car. 'My dear, I'd almost forgotten how ravishing you looked.

正在他哭时,光明逐渐在他脑子里出现了,一种奇特的光,一种极其可爱同时又极其可怕的光。AS he wept, daylight penetrated more and more clearly into his soul, an extraordinary light, a light at once ravishing and terrible.

“忧悒的微笑含有某种无穷无尽的魅力。”她把引自书上的这个地方一字不差地念给鲍里斯听。"There is something so ravishing in the smile of melancholy, " she said to Boris, repeating word for word a passage copied from a book.

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想像一下,如果甲流是在16世纪侵犯人类,那死亡率将会大得惊人。Imagine if it was the sixteen century and swine flu was ravishing the land. The mortality rate would have been innumerable and astounding.

他能通过一曲强度的华尔兹舞保持旋转,并且后来在一所黑的音乐学校休息,没抓住什么比冷更持续的。He can keep through the whirl of a ravishing waltz, and rest afterwards in a dark conservatory , catching nothing more lasting than a cold.

什么是你的想像的颜色吗?你会说令人陶醉的红,蓝或者温顿?至于中邪恶的颜色?在摇滚乐?What's the color of your imagination? Would you say Ravishing Red, or perhaps Covington Blue? And what about the color of wicked? Of rock 'n roll?