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是我们,鹪鹩说。We, said the Wren.

四个叫化子,一只小黄莺。Four Larks and a Wren.

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栖息在高杆芦苇畦地的美洲鹪鹩。American wren that inhabits tall reed beds.

“那些是罗斯特山,”雷恩说。There are the Rost Mountains, " Wren said."

谁来扶棺?是我们,鹪鹩说。Who'll bear the pall? "We, " said the Wren.

今天我们要讨论鹪府计划。Today we are going to discuss Wren house plans.

我认为,我们是保持现状。I would say we are status quo, " Admiral Wren said.

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当鹪鹩换新住所时,也放弃它的伴侣。And when that wren moves, it also abandons its mate.

“Ragoonre人决不允许殖民者定居,”雷恩说。"The Ragoons never allowed colonizers to settle, " Wren said.

阿纳金与欧比万将穿过旷野尽力追踪雷恩。Anakin and Obi-Wan would try to track Wren through the wilderness.

他们正在谈雷恩先生写的一个故事,一匹破马的故事。They are talking about a story Mr. Wren wrote, a story about a spavined horse.

通过细微观察,她可以分辨出,比如,鹪鹩和美洲家鸭。Up close, she can see nodes that distinguish, say, a wren from a Muscovy duck.

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警方在逮捕雷恩时还收缴了多部豪华汽车。Authorities also seized several luxury vehicles from Wren when he was arrested.

鲍里斯又在搓手,雷恩太太仍在结结巴巴地飞溅着唾沫星子说话。Boris is rubbing his hands again. Mr. Wren is still stuttering and spluttering.

但是还不清楚是否乌仁完成了动物之间的输血。It is not clear whether Wren ever carried out blood transfusion between animals.

现代最著名的打赌发生在1684年。One of the famous wagers of the more modern era was announced by Christopher Wren in 1684.

是啊,好吧,现在说这些已经没有用了。甚至勒那普都和我们敌对了。我们去叫醒瑞文女士吧。Aye, well, there's no help for it. Even Lelaps is turning against us. Let's go wake Mrs. Wren.

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我们得回去。如果瑞文女士发现我们在床上,那我们可能不会被惩罚。We should go back. If we are found in bed when Mrs. Wren comes, then we might not be punished.

随着白天变短,我猜想这只卡罗莱纳州鹪鹩将会飞到它确实应该去的州。As the days grew shorter, I assumed this Carolina wren would fly to the states bearing his name.

皮尔查德上尉和雷思上尉都很胆小,不敢向布莱克上尉提出反对意见。Captain Piltchard and Captain Wren were both too timid to raise any outcry against Captin Black.