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两个寡头政权都没能持续哪怕一年。Neither oligarchic regime lasted even as long as a year.

恰恰相反,它在平衡几个寡头团体发挥作用。Rather, it functions by balancing several oligarchic groups within the system.

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关键在于中国唤醒的是什么——是一个由企业化竞争机制占主导的国家,还是一个寡头政治专制的国家。It depends which China will awake — a nation of entrepreneurs or oligarchic party officials.

古雅典人估计会把英国和美国的政治制度看作寡头政体。Ancient Athenians would probably have regarded the British and American political systems as oligarchic.

它很有可能更像寡头制或者贵族制,但是它的重要意义在于,它开创了历史的新纪元It's probably more oligarchic or aristocratic, but the point is this is something we haven't heard of ever before.

霍多尔科夫斯基的寡头往事的遗留之物,在舆论调查所流露出的矛盾态度中,仍然是显而易见的。The legacy of Mr Khodorkovsky’s oligarchic past is still evident in the ambivalent attitude revealed by opinion polls.

即便在流放中,寡头政权的敢死队和其他支持者仍然刺杀了那些特别受拥戴的民主领导人。Even in exile death squads and other supporters of the oligarchic regime assassinated particularly popular leaders of the democrats.

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其次,用博弈论的方法研究了寡头厂商二度价格歧视的方法和特点。Secondly, the methods and characteristics of second-degree price discrimination in oligarchic enterprises were studied by using game theory.

而此刻,政治权利正在试图利用这场危机本身来清除通往寡头政治的少数几个剩余屏障。And now the political right is trying to exploit that very crisis, using it to remove one of the few remaining checks on oligarchic influence.

虽然得到邀请,他们的暴行另柏拉图拒绝卷入寡头政权。Their crimes were the reason why Plato declined to become involved in oligarchic politics, even though he was invited by his relatives to do so.

公元前三八二年,斯巴达人攻佔底比斯城堡,成立寡头政府,并派斯巴达军队驻守。派洛皮德于是逃到雅典。In 382 BC, he fled to Athens after the seizure of the Theban citadel by the Spartans, who installed an oligarchic government and a Spartan garrison.

她没有能有效得建立土地改革,也没有向大众指出这个国家像寡头政治这样的基础结构诟病。She failed to institute effective land reform or to address the country’s fundamental structural ailment, the oligarchic control of power and politics.

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目前,国内的移动通信行业属于双寡头垄断局面,同时又存在中国移动“一家独大”的局面。At present, the domestic mobile communications industry is in the state of oligarchic monopoly, at the same time, China Mobile has the absolute advantage.

今天的中国就像是寡头版的政府主导型资本主义,可能变成建立在系统性腐败和纯粹的政治权力基础上的任人唯亲的资本主义。"China today resembles an oligarchic version of state-led capitalism" which could become "crony capitalism built on systemic corruption and raw political power".

在末期阶段,将出现寡头竞争的格局,我们会看到更多的上市企业联合起来。At the later stage of consolidation, there will be an oligarchic competitive landscape in which we will see more alliance and cooperation between listed companies.

同世界产业市场寡头化发展趋势相比,苏南产业市场表现为过度竞争的市场结构。Compared with the oligarchic development trend of world industrial market, industrial market of the south of Jiangsu is shown as an over-competitive market structure.

但是随着经济现代化的发展,寡头内部各种矛盾激化,代表寡头利益的传统政党逐渐衰落,寡头政权受到挑战。But with the economic modernization, various conflicts in the oligarchic groups sharpened and the traditional parties gradually declined, and the oligarchic regime had been challenged.

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最后,研究了各种寡头模型企业在边际成本变化,需求变化,产品差异度变化时福利的损失情况,并对政府如何进行调节和控制提出政策建议。At last, the welfare loss when oligarchic business's marginal cost and demand and product differentiate vary is researched, the policy advice is given to the government how to regulate.