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无原则的迁就对他有害。Unprincipled accommodation will do harm to him.

你应当克制自己不要作无原则的争论。You should refrain from unprincipled argument.

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介入无原则的争端。He never gets involved in unprincipled disputes.

他从不介入无原则的争端。He never gets involved in unprincipled disputes.

但是,我不会永远无原则的让步。However, I do not always unprincipled concessions.

最终,恶毒的、无原则的恐惧未能阻止改革。In the end, a vicious, unprincipled fear offensive failed to block reform.

马友友是个坏人。是个十足、百族、千族、万足的坏人。Yo-yo ma is an unprincipled person. Is full, hundred races, thousand races.

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外交上无原则的让步导致政治上一场毁灭性的失败。Unprincipled concessions in diplomacy led to a crushing failure in real politics.

他从不介入无原则的争端。Changes in the law were railroaded through parliament by unprincipled politicians.

这位英雄是主持正义的,制伏坏人是他的惟一宗旨。This hero is upholds justly, subdues the unprincipled person is his only objective.

本文运用“无原则批判”的哲学方法,为设计划分自身的边界。This paper use the philosophy way of "unprincipled criticizing" to boundaries for design.

没有总体规划的分布实施是无原则的实施。It is the unprincipled implementation that the distribution without master plan is implemented.

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我们一定要建设一个集中的统一的党,一切无原则的派别斗争,都要清除干净。We must build a centralized unified party and make a clean sweep of all unprincipled factional struggles.

我们一定要建设一个集中的统一的党,一切无原则的派别斗争,都要清。We must build a centralized, unified Party and make a clean sweep of all unprincipled factional struggles.

理解力也可能意味着无原则的包容,教学大纲和文集式的包容。Comprehensive, too, can mean unprincipled inclusiveness, the inclusiveness of the syllabus or the anthology.

外表看我是个烂仔可是认识我的人就知道我不坏!!!The semblance looked that I am an unprincipled person, but knew that I the person knew I do not go bad ! ! !

外交上无原则的让步导致政治上一场毁灭性的失败。这个教训不够深刻吗?Unprincipled concessions in diplomacy led to a crushing failure in real politics. Isn't the lesson profound enough?

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这使他们窃听谈话,搜集资料,并出售给其他无原则刑事实体。This enables them to eavesdrop on conversations, gather information, and sell it to other unprincipled criminal entities.

一个不道德的日本,如果在未来通过欺骗成为联合国安理会常任理事国,会给世界带来更大的浩劫。An unprincipled Japan wouldwreak more havoc to the world if it cheats its way into becoming a permanentmember of the UN Security Council in the future.

我的权力被加进了无原则的情感,对“帮忙”后的“回报”贪婪攫取,使我在罪恶的泥潭里越陷越深,最终不能自拔。My power was added unprincipled emotional, "help", "return" greedy grab, and I have been bogged down in the mire of evil, the ultimate Unable to pull themselves.